
Continuity mistake: When Henry enters the graveyard to look for Badelia the hanging lantern (which she previously hit her hat on) has now gone.


Continuity mistake: Near the end of the "Father's Day" story, Sylvia gets impatient and goes to the kitchen calling to Mrs. Danvers. She sees the muddy footprints and investigates further. Mrs. Danvers' corpse falls against the back of the kitchen door with her face in the round window. As Sylvia lets go of the door, you can see the dead Mrs. Danvers blink as she slides across the window out of view.

Continuity mistake: When Henry enters the graveyard to look for Badelia the hanging lantern (which she previously hit her hat on) has now gone.


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Wilma Northrup: Now get out of my way, Henry, or I swear to God you'll be wearing your balls for earrings.

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Trivia: In almost every story told in the movie, there is an ashtray that is used as an ashtray, as a soap dish and as a place you can put lose change, rings etc. This is done deliberately by the director, it has become his personal trademark.

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Question: What is the name of the song/music playing on the jukebox at the beginning of the final segment "They're Creeping Up On You"?

Mister Ed

Chosen answer: The song you're hearing is the theme song to the movie of the same name: "Thoroughly Modern Mille".


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