Mitch: You'll never see Gracie again.
Slim: You never will.
Instructor: So how do you win? How?
Slim: I attack.
Instructor: And what do you do after you attack?
Slim: Nothing.
Instructor: Why nothing?
Slim: Because I never stop attacking.
Gracie: I like going by Grandma's, but do we have to drive for 55 hours, just to reach some phone booth? Can we call Daddy this time?
Slim: No.
Gracie: Please, please.
Slim: Stop begging, you look like a dog.
Slim: Are you scared?
Mitch: Of what?
Slim: Of me.
Gracie: What's "tainted", is that like "painted"?
Ginny: You have a divine animal right to protect your own life and the life of your offspring.
Slim: Self-defense is not murder.
Mitch: You don't have the guts.
Mitch: All right, man against woman. Is that really fair?
Slim: Fair for whom?
Ginny: He likes you.
Slim: He's a dick.
Instructor: Can you lose?
Slim: No.
Instructor: Can he hurt you?
Slim: No.
Instructor: Even though he's bigger.
Slim: He's a lot bigger.
Instructor: Even though he's stronger.
Slim: He's a lot stronger.
Answer: The scam is that one pretends to be interested in the girl while the other one calls him on a "bet" that he and another person made on how fast he could get the phone number, looking like the knight in shining armor saving the girl from being made a fool out of. In actuality he is part of the scam, in that she would fall for the second man.