Mitch: You'll never see Gracie again.
Slim: You never will.
Instructor: So how do you win? How?
Slim: I attack.
Instructor: And what do you do after you attack?
Slim: Nothing.
Instructor: Why nothing?
Slim: Because I never stop attacking.
Gracie: I like going by Grandma's, but do we have to drive for 55 hours, just to reach some phone booth? Can we call Daddy this time?
Slim: No.
Gracie: Please, please.
Slim: Stop begging, you look like a dog.
Slim: Are you scared?
Mitch: Of what?
Slim: Of me.
Gracie: What's "tainted", is that like "painted"?
Ginny: You have a divine animal right to protect your own life and the life of your offspring.
Slim: Self-defense is not murder.
Mitch: You don't have the guts.
Mitch: All right, man against woman. Is that really fair?
Slim: Fair for whom?
Ginny: He likes you.
Slim: He's a dick.
Instructor: Can you lose?
Slim: No.
Instructor: Can he hurt you?
Slim: No.
Instructor: Even though he's bigger.
Slim: He's a lot bigger.
Instructor: Even though he's stronger.
Slim: He's a lot stronger.
Answer: I wonder if the nickname is related to the difficult times in her life. Her father was not around. She and her mother did not have much money. Maybe she felt that she had a "slim chance" of life getting easier.