Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Question: Why is is Yoda is always seen stooped and hobbling around everywhere with a walking stick - but when it comes to fighting, with his duel against Count Dooku at the end of this movie for example - he all of a sudden practically becomes a ninja; jumping, spinning and battling with his lightsaber so spectacularly?

Answer: He must tap into the Force to perform these acrobatics. Without doing so, he is restricted in movement by his age and limp. He feels it would be squanderous, selfish, and unnecesary to use his abilities with the Force simply to get about.


Except in the case of the scene where he's walking with Obi-Wan and Mace in the temple. Then he's using the force to float his chair.

Question: On the Wookiepedia/Star Wars Wiki articles for Sidious, it has his age as 20 years younger than Dooku. Does Dooku really listen to someone young enough to be his son?

Answer: That's the master/apprentice mentality. It doesn't matter how old they are. The master has more experience (in this case, in the dark side) and can teach the apprentice. The apprentice needs to learn their place in the relationship in order to be a good vessel for the knowledge they seek.


Question: Why did Jango Fett kill Zam Wesell with a Kamino saberdart? Surely a bounty hunter as experienced as Jango would have realised it would lead to the Kaminoans and eventually to himself? Instead, why not kill her with a well aimed laser blast?


Chosen answer: At the range we're talking about, even as good a shot as Fett couldn't guarantee a kill. But hit Wesell anywhere with the poisoned dart and it does the job. Kamino's been wiped from the Archives, there's no information on the dart there either, so he probably felt that it was pretty safe to use. He couldn't have anticipated that Kenobi would have had a contact who actually could identify one. Even if they do track him down, he's a bounty hunter, which is a legal profession. Somebody with his resources would have no problem faking documentation to show that he had been contracted to take Wesell out.


Question: After Dooku leaves the fight with Yoda on Geonosis and Padmé arrives, are Obi-wan and Yoda not suspicious about her running to Anakin and hugging and kissing him? Yoda is actually looking in their direction.

Answer: Considering everything that just happened and that Padme has known Anakin since he was a small boy, they probably would not think that much of it other than she is very emotional and is showing concern and relief for an old friend and protector after a particularly stressful situation.


Question: Is it intentional that the song "Across the Stars" sounds almost exactly like the theme from "Hook"?

Answer: It's probably because John Williams composed both. He also composed the soundtracks to Harry Potter and Home Alone- both of which also sound similar. It *may* have been intentional, as part of the story of Hook deals with "first star and turn to the left".


Question: This question applies to most of the Star Wars films: why do Light sabres turn themselves off when they are dropped, thrown etc?

Answer: Normally the on/off switch is pressure sensitive. So when someone lets go of the switch, the blade shuts off, for safety. However, most lightsabers also have a lockable switch, meaning the switch can be locked in the "on" position, so someone can thrown the saber to cut things (with the blade on). Of course, they are also Jedi, so they can use the on/off switch with the Force.

Bruce Minnick

Question: I heard a rumour that in one scene on Naboo, (I think it was something with a balcony, but I haven't seen this movie in a while) someone accidentally left a Dr. Pepper in the shot. I'm pretty sure this has been disproved, but is it really there?

Answer: Put simply, no.

Question: Why doesn't Anakin wear the normal or really traditional Padawan outfit?

Answer: There is no Jedi 'uniform' as such - Jedis tend to wear variations on a given look rather than going for a regimented appearance. Anakin has presumably chosen his costume himself - it's quite an extreme variation, but could be seen as along the same lines.


Question: When Zam glances up at Anakin on top of her ship, why does her face go green and wrinkly like after she'd been poisoned?

Answer: Zam is a "changling." The human form she is assuming is actually a disguise, and the green ape-like form is her natural, "default" form, if you will. Since it takes a certain degree of concentration to maintain her disguised form of a humanoid, distractions like Anakin's cause parts of her body to revert briefly to its natural form.

Matty Blast

Question: Right at the end of the movie just before the credits come up there is a song playing (when Anakin and Padme kiss), then the credits come up and as this happens, the theme song for Star Wars plays. Would someone please be able to tell me the name of the song before the credits come up?

Answer: It's called "Across the Stars" and is featured on the soundtrack of the film, by John Williams.

David Mercier

Question: Can anyone tell me what Obi-Wan Kenobi means when he asks R4 to transmit a message to Coruscant? It's the "Care of the old folks home" bit which confuses me.

Answer: It's a humorous reference to the Jedi Council.

J I Cohen

Question: When Obi-Wan is being given a tour of the cloning facility, the creature says to him, "They're completely obedient" (or something akin). Right when she says that, we see a closeup of one clone holding a knife and fork. This clone, instead of eating politely like all the others, looks left and right and has a mean look on his face. Is there any significance to this shot? Why would they show a closeup of one clone appearing to contradict what the female is saying about the clones?

Answer: Just because he had a mean look on his face, does not mean he was not obedient. The Kaminos would have genetically altered the clones so they would be obedient, but not lose their aggressiveness.

Bruce Minnick

Question: Why is this film called Attack Of The Clones? The clones didn't attack, they were an army of the Republic. They were defending the Jedi order, they retaliated when the Jedi were fighting, or did I miss something?

Answer: They still attacked on Geonosis. An attack doesn't have to be a first strike. The point of the title is that Clones are starting to be used in war.

Jon Sandys

Question: During the arena battle, while Mace is retrieving his lightsaber, why doesn't Jango just shoot him there while he's disarmed and steady, instead of trying to steal it?

Answer: Because Mace Windu is a Jedi and if he gets his lightsaber he'll be able to deflect Jango's blaster shots with ease. If Jango is able to grab the lightsaber before Mace can get it, then he stands a much better chance of winning.


But if he shoots him before he got his lightsaber he can't deflect the shot.


Not saying it was either smart or prudent, but that was obviously his thinking. In his mind if he grabs that lightsaber before Windu can get it he's won.


Villains in movies don't have a lot of logic.

Question: Why didn't they immediately send Padme to Naboo when they knew she was in danger from the assassins instead of waiting until the next day and sending Anakin and Obi-Wan to watch over her for that one night Coruscant?

Answer: They were going out undercover on civilian transport (like a Greyhound bus). Apparently the next ship wasn't scheduled to leave until the next day.


As a follow up, Padme wanted to stay in Coruscant to participate in the vote. She only left after the second attempt on her life and the Jedi decided to launch an investigation, ordering Anakin to take her to Naboo and keep her safe.


Question: Why did the task of assassinating Padme keep changing hands? Nute Gunray wanted her dead, so he requested help from Dooku, who hired Jango Fett, who in turn recruited Zam Wesell to do it. Why couldn't Jango just kill Padme himself? He killed Zam from a distance and the Jedi were unable to pursue him, so he could have killed Padme in the same manner and then escaped.


Chosen answer: This all done to cover their tracks and make it difficult for the Jedi to implicate them. Nute Gunray didn't want to be implicated so he hired Dooku, Dooku didn't want to be implicated so he hired Fett, etc.


Question: When Tyranus incapacitates Skywalker and Kenobi, why didn't Dooku kill Anakin and Obi-Wan when he had the chance?


Answer: Well in the case of Anakin it's simple, since Dooku was under orders from Darth Sidious not to kill him, as Sidious saw him as a potential Sith apprentice. Obi-Wan, could be several reasons. It could simply be that Dooku held them alive as hostages because he knew Yoda was coming. It's also possible Obi-Wan is part of the Sidious' plan to keep Anakin's training stable and on schedule so he can be turned. If Anakin got a new master or went rogue he might be harder to turn. It's also possible Dooku didn't want to waste time with Obi-Wan, as he didn't see him as a threat.


Do you have any evidence of this?


Of Dooku not being allowed to kill Anakin? Of course. Darth Sidious has had his eye on Anakin since Naboo when he met him as a young child, feeling the power he has. Since then he has been training him, teaching him, influencing him to go to the dark side. Obviously he doesn't want any harm to come to him. So, Dooku was not allowed to kill Anakin. Either Dooku himself saw Anakin as a potential Sith (considering his dialogue with Anakin during their final duel) and apprentice or Dooku was told by Sidious not to kill Anakin but try to persuade him to switch sides. As for Obi-wan its like I said, just speculations. Perhaps someone else can elaborate better, perhaps take it to the Forum? I can open a book or 2 about this, but better in the Forum than as a reply here.


What's the source of this? Is it from the Novel?


No I got this information from watching the movies. It's just logical conclusions to the events that lead up to the final Dooku vs Anakin duel. Dooku didn't expect to kill Anakin, but turn him. This is the reason he incapacitates Obi-Wan and starts talking to Anakin. But again, maybe a conversation for the Forum.


But how did Sidious know that Anakin and Obi wan would fight Tyranus?


When? On Geonosis? He didn't know, Palpatine didn't know all Dooku was doing on that planet whilst he secured the start of the war, but he knew Obi-Wan and Anakin would go after him, knowing he is a Sith. The events at Geonosis with the Jedi and the clone troops came a bit early for Palpatine I suspect, but proved to be working for his plans rather than against it. He wanted Dooku to reveal himself as a Sith to Obi-Wan and Anakin of course. Obi-Wan had some experience fighting Sith and Anakin was eager to prove himself, knowing that, Palpatine took the necessary measures to make sure Anakin wasn't killed, and probably didn't care much for Obi-wan's fate come to think of it. It's likely Dooku didn't see Anakin's potential until he fought him either, immediately understanding (but not fully) why his master wanted him to live.


Chosen answer: He did. At the end of Attack of the Clones, he personally handed him the plans to the Death Star. He was wearing a cloak, not a mask. Until Ankin succumbed to the Dark side, he was his protege.

Chosen answer: Most likely. It wasn't a secret, who Dooku was before he turned to the dark side is common knowledge to the Jedi.


Question: Why does Obi-Wan believe that Anakin (the chosen one) is not ready for an assignment on his own even though he has been his apprentice for the last 10 years? Also, why does Obi-Wan not let Anakin face the trials to become a Jedi Knight even though again he has been his apprentice for the last 10 years?


Chosen answer: Anakin is very talented, but still struggles with anger and emotion. Obi-wan knows this, and knows he's not ready.

Other mistake: How is it that one slash on Amidala's back ripped off the entire midriff of her shirt, and a sleeve? (01:47:00)

More mistakes in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Count Dooku: What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of a dark lord of the Sith?
Obi-Wan: No, that's not possible. The Jedi would sense it.
Count Dooku: The Dark Side has clouded their vision. Hundreds of senators are now under the influence of a Sith lord called Darth Sidious.

More quotes from Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Trivia: The first scene in which Obi-Wan and Anakin appear was filmed after principal photography had finished. Ewan McGregor had shaven off his beard, so he had to wear a fake one.

Cubs Fan

More trivia for Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

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