Bridget Jones's Diary

Other mistake: Bridget has a large, fabulous flat in what another mistake contribution has identified as a trendy area of London - just around the corner from Borough Market - and there's no way she could afford it on her salary of assistant at a publisher's office. Her parents are ordinary, middle class folk; there is no way they could afford the £2000+ per month rent on a huge flat like Bridget's, and there is no indication that they are doing so.

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Suggested correction: Who says she pays for it herself? Her parents are rather well off. Surely they can help her afford a decent flat.


From where do you get the idea that her parents are wealthy? They are ordinary middle class country folk. A flat like Bridget's would cost the 2024 equivalent of about £2,700 a month - about £1700 at 2001 prices. That is well beyond the visible means of her parents.

Making up deus ex machina explanations for blatant mistakes does not invalidate them. Bridget's parents are ordinary, middle class country folk. The thought that they could subsidize their daughter to the tune of £2000+ a month is laughable. The posting is absolutely correct.

Other mistake: The last name in the credits from the cast is called Melinda, when in actual fact, the character in the film is called Melanie.

Other mistake: When the two gents are fighting in the restaurant Hugh Grant tackles the guy through the plate glass window and they land on the street. Two points: 1) How do they not receive any cuts from landing on shattered plate glass. 2) Check out the glass laying on the street. It is cloudy, a main characteristic of breakaway stunt glass.

Other mistake: When Bridget's friends come over to her home they always need to call up first. She then can buzz them in by pressing a button that unlocks the building's main door. Yet when Bridget first runs from her flat after Mark with just her bare feet you can hear her feet crunching on snow. She then runs back inside to put on her shoes and a sweater. If she really needed to buzz her friends in then there should have been a hallway where she ran first and not the outside directly. [As an addition: when Mark comes to Bridget's door to show her the newspaper article, as he says ...'I may have come at a bad time...' you can see a hallway behind him. When she runs outside at the end of the movie there is, for some reason, a different set outside her doorway. For example, when Bridget opens the door to run after Mark, it looks like she is running into bright sunlight - lighting way too bright for hallway illumination and especially out of sync with the evening sky.]

Other mistake: When Bridget and Mark kiss at the end, he puts his coat round her. The coat is huge! It's obviously specially made because before it wasn't as big as that.

Factual error: No British woman measures her weight in pounds only - always stones and pounds, or kilograms (a concession to the Americans but it sounds really odd to us Brits). Yes, in the American printing of the book it's always only pounds as well, but that's for the same reason, and still wrong.

More mistakes in Bridget Jones's Diary

Bridget: You once said you liked me just as I am and I just wanted to say likewise. I mean there are stupid things your mum buys you, tonight's another... Classic. You're haughty, and you always say the wrong thing in every situation and I seriously believe that you should rethink the length of your sideburns. But, you're a nice man and I like you. If you wanted to pop by some time that might be nice... More than nice.
Mark Darcy: Right, crikey.

More quotes from Bridget Jones's Diary

Trivia: Other similarities between Pride and Prejudice and this movie include the fact that in P&P, Mr. Darcy and George Wickam both went to Cambridge. In Bridget Jones, Daniel Cleaver says he knew Mark from Cambridge. Cleaver's character is based on George Wickam.

Jennifer 1

More trivia for Bridget Jones's Diary

Question: When Bridget and Daniel are in bed at the hotel, she says "that thing you just did is actually illegal in several countries". Anyone know what she was talking about? I assume it's a sex thing and I'm dying to know.

Answer: I'm pretty sure you can assume she's talking about anal sex, which is still technically illegal in a number of countries.

More questions & answers from Bridget Jones's Diary

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