Factual error: The supercomputer has the British spelling 'Defence' written on it, instead of the American 'Defense', even though the movie takes place in the USA.
Factual error: When Richard Pryor is working his job in the computer room his boss walks up behind him and is amazed at a program that Pryor has written. The boss asks how he did it; Pryor answers that even he doesn't know. Look at the computer screen - Pryor's amazing computer program is just a bunch of worthless print commands that print sentences onto the computer screen; it serves no real function whatsoever.
Factual error: At the start we see a blind man and his guide dog, who runs off after a smaller dog. Guide dogs are specifically trained not to do this before being given to their owner.
Answer: For one, when a commodity like oil is in short supply and the demand is high, the price rises significantly.
raywest ★