Trivia: During the filming of the movie, Kane Hodder (the actor who plays Jason) was returning to his trailer one night after filming, still in his Jason costume. His trailer was approximately one mile down a dark, dirt back-road. Exhausted from filming, Kane decided to take a shortcut through the woods surrounding the area. While in the woods, he encountered a local resident, who asked Kane if he was filming the new Friday movie. Thinking it a rather foolish question, given that he was still in his Jason costume, mask and all, Kane did not answer. After the young man tried to communicate with him several more times, Kane remained staring and silent, until he lunged for the man and groaned, sending the man in an absolute panic. He was so terrified that he fell several times and struggled to his feet, screaming as he ran away. The next morning, Kane Hodder was informed that the Sheriff would be by the set later in the day for questioning, but the Sheriff never came. Definitely a hilarious, if not terrifying joke.
Trivia: During his four-movie tenure portraying Jason, Kane Hodder actually put a lot of thought into the character, and developed what he thought Jason's personality would be in order to give himself motivation for the role. Hodder also created a strict set of rules that he would follow while playing Jason. For example, Hodder felt Jason would never hurt animals, since he had a childlike mind and wouldn't want to harm a creature he saw as inherently innocent. And more importantly, Hodder insisted that while he played the character, Jason would not harm or go after children, since he "drowned" as a child and recognizes them as being innocent like he was. While the rules do somewhat contradict earlier films, Hodder stuck by his guns.
Trivia: This is the Friday the 13th film in which Jason was originally going to face Freddy.
Trivia: The first entry of the series in which Jason is portrayed by actor/stuntman Kane Hodder. Hodder would go on to play Jason for the following three films, and also reprised the role in the 2017 "Friday the 13th" video-game, for which he provided Jason's motion-capture work. Hodder is widely considered the fan-favorite Jason performer.
Trivia: Barbara Sachs, one of the producers, was widely disliked by the crew, who saw her as utterly delusional. Among other things, she wanted this to be a "prestigious" film and pushed for it to remove most of the gore and nudity audiences expected, along with wanting to change Jason's entire look. She also thought it could be "the first 'Friday the 13th' to win an Academy Award!" and attempted to hire famed filmmaker Federico Fellini to direct it. Needless to say, Fellini politely declined.
Answer: He's just... not a good guy. I don't think it's any deeper than that - he thought he could exploit her for personal gain. Some people are just slimy and like to take advantage of others for their own purposes.