Blade II

Blade II (2002)

39 corrected entries

(7 votes)

Corrected entry: When Whistler first meets Scud, Scud walks away then starts to watch a little TV, and in one shot his hand is not on the TV, but in the following shot his hand is on the TV. (00:17:30)


Correction: Actually if you to the top right of the TV, you could see some cloth which is probably his long sleeve over his right hand which is on top of the TV.

Corrected entry: After Blade and Whistler are captured in the sewers, Damasquinos take an encapsulated fetus. Whistler throw the ring and when we see Damasquinos again, he is not holding it anymore.

Guillermo Calero

Correction: The very next shot of Damasquinos is only of his head, so it is entirely possible he is holding the fetus out of frame.

Correction: Not, you can't. I have watched the scene over and over looking for the safety wire, even going frame by frame, and it is not there.

Corrected entry: The heavily armed heroes walk around a nightclub. One even wields a drum-fed heavy machine gun - and no one in the club seem to notice or remotely care until people start shooting. Surely armed assault teams aren't that common a sight in these places?

Correction: This is not exactly an ordinary nightclub, and judging from the display of knives and other instruments at the club entrance, things crazier than an armed assault team have probably taken place in the club. Besides, bullets (the ordinary kind) don't do a lot of damage to vampires.


Corrected entry: Nyssa, daughter of the head vampire tells Blade she is a pure breed vampire - born a vampire - yet she has a scar above her lip on the right. If she is a pure breed, she would have no scars because vampires heal themselves and don't scar. (00:22:56)

Correction: Not necessarily, it depends on how the movie makers interpret the vampire myth, and the nature of the wound she received. The vampires in the "Blade" saga are vulnerable to silver, garlic and ultraviolet light, and as we can see from Reinhardt's half-burned face in the end, injuries from these sources leave clear marks that the vampires do not heal instantaneously. It is not unlikely that injuries like these could leave scars.


Corrected entry: After Blade detonates the UV bomb he finds Nyssa lying near a pool. In an attempt to save her he slits his wrist and invites her to feed on his blood. Watch as he does this: no blood ever appears on either him or the sword he uses. (01:20:40)

Correction: This is because of the angle of Blade's hand; his hand is bent at the wrist and pointing upwards, as well as being held between the camera and the sword, so you can not tell if the sword is bloodied or not. And he immediately turns his wrist (and the wound) towards Nissa's mouth, away from the camera, so you have no chance of seeing the cut itself.


Corrected entry: Towards the end Blade is strapped to a table and has spikes run through his wrists and thighs. Later he regenerates himself in blood and the wounds are healed. Fine, but there are numerous times after (the fight with Nomak, etc.) when you can see there are no holes in his pants from the spikes in his thighs. (01:27:44)

Correction: The holes are there. They can be hard to spot since they are quite small and they blend in with the black pants but during the fight with Nomak there are two close-ups of Blade's thighs where the holes are visible.


Corrected entry: In the House of Pain, when Nomak and Blade are fighting, Nomak runs away because a ray of sunlight hits him, but before that, when he gets shot in the head, he runs down some stairs full of sunlight. The sunlight on the stairs stopped Nyssa from running down them but how come it didn't effect Nomak seeing as that hall of stairs was full of sunlight when underground, there was only a little ray of sunlight.

Correction: There is nothing to suggest it didn't hurt him. He was confronted by Blade, ran away and though he did get hurt by the sun light, he didn't want to show it as a weakness.

Corrected entry: After Blade emerges from the blood fountain, he fights a lot of henchmen in hand-to-hand combat before taking on Reinhardt with his sword. When Whistler shoots the incubator after Blade kills Reinhardt, where are the bodies of the ones Blade fought hand-to-hand? None of them were vampires, so they wouldn't have disappeared. (01:37:42)

Correction: They are simply not visible in that shot. When Whistler shoots the incubators only the top platform, where the incubator sits, are shown. Blade fought the henchmen in the lower area next to this platform.


Corrected entry: The old saying is true - blood is thicker than water. Much thicker, in fact. The blood bath Blade is thrown into is VERY obviously water dyed bright red. (01:34:12)

Correction: It's never specifically stated that it's normal blood. Vampires consume blood for the hemoglobin (stated in the first film). Pure hemoglobin in a saline solution would be more efficient for the vampires and would be this drippy.

Corrected entry: When Blade stands up after dropping into the vat of blood, it drips right off him. If it was really blood, it wouldn't do this, it would stay on his skin.

Correction: It's never specifically stated that it's normal blood. Vampires consume blood for the hemoglobin (stated in the first film). Pure hemoglobin in a saline solution would be more efficient for the vampires and would be this drippy.

Corrected entry: In the first blade movie if blade did not take his serum he went into shock and became incredibly weak, yet in the sequel he intentionally sets his serum aside after speaking with Nyssa and can fight just as well without any noticeable change.

Correction: In the first Blade, he told Dr. Jensen if she wanted to help him, then make a stronger serum instead of a cure. She possibly made a stronger serum that doesn't have a state-of-shock side effect to it.

T Poston

Corrected entry: During Blade's final battle with Nomak his clothes are completely dry, despite having soaked in a pool of blood just minutes before. (01:41:32)

Correction: Presumably, Blade's vampiric skin absorbs blood directly. This is explicitly stated in other Vampire movies, but in Blade specifically we see that the Reaper's body did so during the dissection scene.

Corrected entry: When the UV bombs go off in the sewers, the reapers are burned but you see their dead remains as scorched statues. Yet, when sunlight hits reapers, they completely disintegrate into ashes. What's with that? It's all UV light right? (01:18:49)

Correction: It could be that the sunlight isn't just a brief flash like the UV grenade. so the UV light from the sun is there long enough to kill them but not reduce them to complete ashes.

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the film, Whistler escapes from Reinhart and finds Blade on the lab table where his blood is being drained. Blade's shirt/combat vest has been removed. It was mentioned earlier by Whistler that the vamps had taken all of their weapons, but later when Whistler is escorting Blade into the blood vat chamber, under fire from Reinhart, Blade is wearing the combat vest.

Correction: In the scene were Reinhart is knocked out by Whistler, all of Blade's gear can clearly be seen on the floor. When he is crawling though the floor duct to the chamber containing Blade, Whistler has all of Blade's gear, and when he shoots the lawyer and comes out the the floor, you can see Blade's gear and his sword on the floor.

Corrected entry: When a person is turned into a reaper, their lower jaw is supposed to drop out (as is obvious when they open their mouth 'proper' and feed on someone. Look at Nomak in his final fight scene with Blade. His lower set of teeth is quite visible, but they all disappear when his mouth opens.

Correction: Disagree because Blade finds lower jaws in the sewer. They seem to fall out intact.

Correction: It is entirly possible that the teeth either retract or become obscured by the maw when the reapers "properly" open their mouths. Also, nowhere in the film is it stated that the jaw "drops out." It more than likley just disintrigrates as they transform.

Corrected entry: In the sewer scene Reinhardt melodramatically puts his hand under one of the holes where sunlight is passing through and we see it starting to smoke. He is wearing gloves, why would his body react to the sunlight while it's covered?

Correction: As a pureblood, clothing does not protect vampires from the sun or UV light. Otherwise they would simply be able to go outside fully covered and be safe, which they never do. In Blade I, Frost does manage to go outside with sunscreen and clothes that protect him for a little bit, but Frost wasn't pureblood and still fairly young.


Corrected entry: During the fight scene in the tunnel, the cartload of UV bomb explodes, instantly killing everyone, save Blade, and the 2 vampires. But this shouldn't be possible as light cannot bend, and therefore, the UV bomb would only be effective on the reapers around Blade - it can't go around corners. (01:18:26)

Correction: Light may not be able to bend, but it can reflect. That's why you can see the light from a lamp from around the corner. Just think of that cartload as some REALLY bright lamps, and it would reflect a couple of times just from that sheer amount of light being put out.

Corrected entry: During the sewer scene, Whistler says "well some of us can't see in the dark, nipplehead". Fair enough, humans can't see in the dark, vampires can. So why do they have the lights on the guns? As a UV weapon, constantly on but filtered for quick access? That's just about OK. But that doesn't explain why Nyssa uses a flashlight in the house of pain as she searches the rooms/corridor/loft. (00:42:01)

Correction: There wasn't a scene I saw of Nyssa using the light, her guns were holstered when walking around the house of pain. There is a scene when Verlaine is searching with the light on. When she and Lighthammer first enter together, you see the filter on and then the next time we see her, the filter is off. But this makes perfect sense in the movie, she kept the light on, but filtered when walking through a room full of "friendly" vampires. When they were out of the way, she removed the filter to be ready to use the UV light as a weapon.


You can see her walking up a ladder and turning on a light to check the room.

Turning on the lights and using a flashlight are 2 different things.


Revealing mistake: When Damoscinos is dying, just after being bitten, he stumbles to the ground. As he does so, you can see the tube feeding the green "blood" to his neck on the ground behind him.

More mistakes in Blade II

Scud: So, B-man, what do you think?
Blade: Sounds like a plan.
Whistler: What do you really think?
Blade: They're gonna fuck us the first chance they get.

More quotes from Blade II

Trivia: At the end of the film, Rush is killed by Blade, who is hiding behind the curtain at a peep-show booth. In the 1996 film "The Crow: City of Angels", the lead character Ashe surprises a villain in the same manner. Both films were written by David S. Goyer. Goyer had disowned "The Crow: City of Angels" however, due to studio-enforced edits, and decided to re-use the scene in this film.

More trivia for Blade II

Question: Has Marco Beltrami's score for this film ever been released as a CD? I have looked around quite a bit, but have never found it.

Answer: Yes. It's been released in the USA (Varese Sarabande 302 066 365 2) and in Germany (VSD 6365).


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