Fernand: You pleased me some of the time.
Mercedes: You never pleased me.
Edmond: Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mine! Then the fates will know you as we know you: as Albert Mondego, the man.
Edmond Dantes: Death is too good for them. They must suffer as I suffered. They must see their world, all they hold dear, ripped from them as it was ripped from me.
Jacopo: You will need a better name than Zatarra if you are to accomplish that.
Edmond Dantes: Then I shall become a Count.
J.F. Villefort, Chief Magistrate: How is your father?
Fernand: Alive, unfortunately.
J.F. Villefort, Chief Magistrate: We share the same misfortune.
Dorleac: Now you're thinking, just now "Why me, O God?" The answer is, God has nothing to do with it. In fact, God is never in France this time of year.
Fernand: What happened to your mercy?
Edmond Dantes: I'm a count, not a saint.
Mercedes: I want to be free of you... the way you, obviously, are free of me.
Napoleon: In life, we are kings or pawns.
Abbe Faria: The slot opens twice a day. Once in the morning for your toilet bucket, which is where we hide the dirt. And once more in the evening for your plate. Between those times, we can work all day without fear of discovery.
Edmond: So neglect becomes our ally.
Luigi: We shall call him... Zatarra.
Edmond: Sounds fearsome.
Luigi: It means, "driftwood."
Abbe Faria: Here is your final lesson - do not commit the crime for which you now serve the sentence. God said, "Vengeance is mine."
Edmond Dantes: I don't believe in God.
Abbe Faria: It doesn't matter. He believes in you.
Danglar: You presume to demote me?
Morell: Not at all. You're still the first mate of the Pharaon, under Captain Dantes.
Mercedes: I don't know what dark plan lies within you. Nor do I know by what design we were asked to live without each other these 16 years. But God has offered us a new beginning.
Edmond: God?
Mercedes: Don't slap His hand away.
Edmond: Can I never escape Him?
Mercedes: No, He is in everything. Even in a kiss.
Abbe Faria: The stronger swordsman does not necessarily win. It is speed! Speed of hand, speed of mind.
Jacopo: Once again, Zatarra, God sees you out of the corner of His eye.
Dorleac: And if you're thinking just now 'Why me, oh God?' the answer is: God has nothing to do with it. In fact, God is never in France this time of year.
Edmond: God has everything to do with it. He's everywhere. He sees everything.
Dorleac: Alright. Let's make a bargain, shall we? You ask God for help and I'll stop the moment he shows up.
Jacopo: I am still your man, Zatarra. I swore an oath, and I will protect you. Even if it means I must protect you from yourself.
Abbe Faria: When I told them I had no idea where Count Spada hid his treasure, I lied.
Edmond: You lied?
Abbe Faria: I'm a priest, not a saint.
Napoleon: Kings and pawns, marshal. Emperors and fools.
Abbe Faria: Define Economics.
Edmond: Economics is a science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of commodities.
Abbe Faria: Translation?
Edmond: Dig first, money later.
Answer: I believe it's just because there is a dirty smelly man that she doesn't recognise visiting her ailing grandfather, she just wants to keep an eye on things.