Character mistake: When Deckard is talking to the street merchant trying to identify the snake scale, the identification number he reads aloud is not the number that shows on the monitor. (00:47:30)
Audio problem: Deckard investigates the maker of artificial reptiles; an Abdul somebody. It's obvious that the dialogue was added as neither actor is in sync with the sound. The end of the scene has the storekeeper's voice telling Deckard the information he was seeking while Deckard's mouth is the one moving. Deckard's mouth continues to move even after Abdul's lines are finished and the scene cuts. This has been corrected in the 2007 Final Cut of the film, but exists in all previous versions. (00:48:45)

Continuity mistake: When Deckard is snooping about in Zhora's dressing room asking questions. We see her putting on high heel mid-calf boots (just under her shin pads). Watch the chase sequence soon after. Especially when she gets shot and is on the ground picking herself up, you can see she is wearing what looks like black trainers. (00:52:10 - 00:55:40)
Revealing mistake: When Zhora dresses in Taffy Lewis' club she puts on high-heels. Later during the chase scene and when she flies through the windows, she is wearing normal boots. And when she is shot the second time, her right hand holds a control, probably for the blood bags on her back. (00:54:20 - 00:57:45)
Revealing mistake: As Zhora is crashing through the last window, after being shot by Deckard, there are dark pads visible around her lower arms. In few shots before, these are visible whilst crashing, but not whilst she is running or falling. (US theatrical version). (00:55:50)

Continuity mistake: As Deckard steps off the trolley when he is chasing down Zhora, a guy with weird sunglasses having flashing lights all over it bumps into him. The next shot is from a different angle, and that guy has vanished. (00:57:05)
Continuity mistake: When Decker shoots the snake-woman replicant, she hits the glass and in one shot you can clearly see that is not the actress that hits the glass, but a stuntperson dressed like her. This has been corrected in the 2007 Final Cut of the film, but exists in all previous versions. (00:57:50)

Continuity mistake: When Deckard shoots Zhora, she crashes down through a glass wall and her cape is rolled over her head; in the next shot, In which she's crawling on the floor, her cape is straight behind her back. (00:58:00)

Continuity mistake: When Deckard shoots the snake-woman in the back and she falls through several layers of glass she lands on her stomach, with her head lying on the left side. In the next scene Deckard is standing beside her, but now she has turned her head, lying on the other cheek. Her arms also change position. (00:58:30)

Continuity mistake: Deckard shoots Zhora twice. Both times she is shot, you can see the wound explode out of her right shoulder. But moments later when she is on the ground dead, she is face down and you can see a bullet wound on both right and left shoulders. (00:58:50)

Continuity mistake: When Zhora attacks Deckard, she isn't wearing any lipstick. After she is killed and they roll her over, she has bright red lipstick on. (00:59:10)
Revealing mistake: After the snake lady is dead, eyes open, Deckard rolls her head from camera right to camera left. Her eyes move. (00:59:15)

Revealing mistake: When Leon and Deckard are fighting in the street, Leon swings at Deckard and puts a hole through a steel vessel where steam blasts out. It's clear that the spot where Leon hits has been cut out and is visible before he hits it. (01:02:15)
Continuity mistake: Just after Rachel asks Deckard if he ever took the VK test himself, she walks in after no response and sees that he has fallen asleep. Before the camera shows him sleeping, she is shown walking into the room, clutching a drinking glass with both hands in front of her. The camera switches to Deckard for a couple seconds, then back to Rachel. She is standing in the same spot, with no immediate area to set the glass down at, but her pose has completely changes where she has one hand on one hip, and the other arm limp at her side. At which point she then reaches forward with her left hand to grab a picture off the piano, and the drinking glass has vanished. (01:07:50)
Audio problem: In one of the scenes at J.F.'s house, J.F. is talking to Batty and Pris. Batty is sitting down and starts talking about J.F.'s chess game. Batty says "your opponent" then J.F. says "Oh, Dr Tyrell." While he says this the chess game is shown, then it cuts to Batty and J. F. and he continues "I've only beaten him once at chess." For this line his lips are not moving. (01:18:45)

Continuity mistake: Just before Roy kills Tyrell, he says "Nothing the god of Bio-Mechanics wouldn't let you into heaven for." A drop of sweat begins to hang down off Roy's nose, about to fall. The camera changes angles and suddenly the drop has vanished. (01:25:35)
Revealing mistake: Near the end, just before Deckard goes into the final showdown apartment complex, a police car lands and asks Dekkard who he is. Deckard tells him and as the police car takes off, the strings holding it are painfully obvious. (01:27:40)

Continuity mistake: After he finds dead Pris, the blood smears on Roy Batty's lips change. He touches her bloody wound with the fingertips of his right hand and then presses them to his upper lip. You will see two parallel smears of blood. Moments later there is only one smear going from his upper lip all the way to his chin. (01:37:20)

Continuity mistake: When Roy throws Deckard to the ground after having rescued him, Deckard's shirt has ridden halfway up his torso, but when the shot cuts to behind Roy, the shirt is down. (01:45:45)
Continuity mistake: The scene where Roy saves Deckard's life and then dies takes place on a very dark and rainy night. After Roy says his final line, "time to die", the white dove in his hand gets loose and flies away. The next shot shows the bird flying in a totally clear cloudless sky, with lighting that suggests that it is becoming morning. The next shot is of Deckard, back in the heavy rain and total darkness. (01:47:20)
Chosen answer: The language is Chinese Cantonese, and is saying something like "... Now we can more time.", and when the replicants came inside the lab he says "... What a f*** doing here..."