Sheriff J. P. Harrah: What the hell are you doin' here?
Cole: I'm lookin' at a tin star with a... drunk pinned on it.
Kevin MacDonald: What do you expect us to do?
Cole: Why don't you ask the sheriff?
Kevin MacDonald: The sheriff? Ya think I'm gonna wait on him?
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: Just give me an hour Macdonald. You can wait that long to die.
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: Who are you?
Mississippi: We met last night.
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: Last night? When was that?
Mississippi: Well, we are we headed?
Cole: To see a girl.
Mississippi: To see a girl?
Cole: Yes, a girl! Don't you think I could know a girl?
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: He went out that door.
Cole: Well you oughta know! You missed him.
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: Why are you here?
Cole: Waiting for a fella. Name's Nelse McLeod.
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: Oh, Nelse McLeod with the.
Cole: That one. Want some coffee?
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: No I don't.
Cole: I met him down near the border. Said he wanted me to work with him on a job. Range war. But he said it'd be easy. All we had to worry about was a drunken sheriff. Are you sure you don't want some coffee?
Cole: When do you expect the United States Marshal?
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: Oh man, I don't remember the last time he was here.
Bull Harris: He was here. You gave him a big welcome. Flung a bottle at him.
Cole: An empty bottle?
Bull Harris: Yeah, he wasn't that far gone.
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: Cole they laughed at me. Right in front of McLeod, they just laughed at me.
Cole: They've been laughing at you... for a couple of months. You just haven't being sober enough to hear it.
Cole: Step down off that horse.
Mississippi: You always giving people orders?
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: I guess you're supposed to take care of me.
Cole: Well, not that I couldn't do it Harrah but I don't think I'd like that.
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: I'm glad to hear you say that. Not that I couldn't handle you but I don't think I'd like that either.
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: Bull, you go on shooting, we'll try to move up a little closer.
Bull Harris: Just give me another gun and I'll play Marching Through Georgia.
Cole: Now just a minute, son.
Mississippi: I... AM not... your SON. My name is Alan Bourdillion Traherne.
Cole: ...Lord Almighty.
Mississippi: Yeah.
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: It'll be a nice quiet town after you leave, Cole.
Cole: How do you know I'm leaving?
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: We just don't need your kind around here.
Bull Harris: Watch it, the way your hand's shaking don't let it get near the trigger.
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: Now don't you get on me, Bull.
Bull Harris: I ain't started yet.
Cole: Last time you took the front door and I took the back, this time we'll do'er the other way around.
Kevin MacDonald: You always seem to be around, Thornton, when one of my boys get hurt.
Bull Harris: I reckon he's got a more interesting misery than you got Sheriff.
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: Look Doc, I don't wanna take up your time but, er, mine's still bleeding.
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: Why aren't you laughing now? It's the same drunken sheriff, the same hat, the same outfit, why don't you laugh? Let me hear you laugh.
Sheriff J. P. Harrah: Damn you, Bull.
Cole: Did you get him?
Mississippi: Who?
Cole: The fella that ran outta the church.
Mississippi: Well, yes and no.
Cole: Yes and no? Did you or didn't you?
Mississippi: I hit the sign, and the sign hit him.
Cole: Well, that's great.
Mississippi: He was limping when he left.
Cole: He was limping when he got here.
Answer: The prime ingredient was Ipecac, a nausea-inducing compound (still used today) which so inflames the stomach lining that it's impossible for the patient to hold anything down. Hot mustard in large doses has a similar effect. The other ingredients (croton oil, cayenne pepper, etc) acted as powerful laxatives, so the entire gastrointestinal tract is evacuated in short order. The gunpowder was a fantasy ingredient, no doubt, as gunpowder is known to cause gangrene of internal tissues.
Charles Austin Miller