Corrected entry: When JP is shot by Mississippi through the window, he is wearing different clothes than he is wearing in the next closeup scene.
Corrected entry: When Cole Thorton shoots Luke McDonald there are two very clear shots of McDonald's hips and back. He is not wearing a holster and his chaps and pants are to tight to have anything the size of a .45 in his pocket yet he draws a .45 from (presumably) a holster on his right side and kills himself.
Correction: Cole actually says to the father that Luke had a handgun he didn't see, so obviously he wasn't wearing a holster. He probably had it in his belt behind his back.
Corrected entry: After Joey shoots Cole off his horse he lands near the water at an angle with his feet near the water and his head about 3 feet away from the water. Then they cut to Joey running down the trail then back to Cole on the ground. Now his head is close to the water and his feet are 3 feet away.
Correction: After Cole falls off his horse we see him start to move, then the scene cuts to Joey running. There is more than enough time for him to reposition himself to "play dead".
Corrected entry: When Joey shoots John Wayne, she shoots him from the upper left front position. There's no way the bullet could have hit him in the lower left back.
Correction: This is opinion, not fact. It is an unusual angle, but not entirely impossible for him to have received the injury he did from that angle.
Corrected entry: When Thornton has his showdown with Nells McLeod at Jason's saloon, he fires a shot from his rifle before he leaps off the wagon, which takes two seconds to roll off - plenty of warning for his enemies to react; but Nells draws his revolvers just as Thornton fires again, right after the wagon is gone. A professional gunslinger such as McLeod, who lives and dies by his fast reflexes, would shoot back or dive for cover immediately after the first shot.
Correction: This is NOT a film mistake - it is your rewriting of the script, your opinion of how the film should have played. If it is impossible for Thornton to react in this way, then it's a mistake. Since it is merely unlikely - i.e. possible - then this posting is invalid.
Corrected entry: When Joey (finally) shoots Bart Jason, she fires her Winchester twice and he falls after the second - but there is no indication about what happened to the first shot.
Correction: She missed. It happens all the time.
Corrected entry: When Thornton has his showdown with Nells McLeod at Jason's saloon, he fires a shot from his rifle before he leaps off the wagon, which takes two seconds to roll off - plenty of warning for a professional gunslinger to react; but Nells draws his revolvers just as Thornton fires again, right after the wagon is gone.
Correction: Mcleod believed Thornton to be both disabled and unarmed. As Thornton himself stated in the movie, this gave him the edge. Mcleod was simply caught off guard.
Corrected entry: The bartender's (Robert Mitchum's brother John) character's name is Elmer. When JP goes to the bar to get Jason, Elmer makes a move for a gun behind the bar. JP shoots the bar, resulting in Elmer getting a fist full of splinters. JP says "I told you Elmer..." At the end when JP runs through the bar, he points the gun at Elmer and says "stay right there, Johnny."
Correction: He says "Freeze it right there, Johnny!" but the shot is focused on him and there's no indication he's talking to the bartender. There a a number of Jason's men in the saloon. One of them must be named Johnny.
Corrected entry: In the scene where JP and Cole follow the wounded gunfighter into Bart Jason's saloon and JP hits Bart Jason in the face with his rifle and then is about to shoot him, Cole yells out, "JP!" Watch Robert Mitchum's mouth. He also says "JP".
Correction: He doesn't say "JP". He is mid-sentence when Cole calls out. What he actually says is "Now I don't know who you think you are, Jason, but I..."
Corrected entry: When Cole knocks Joey off her feet before she hits the ground you can see that her pants and backside are wet (presumably from a previous take) before she hits the water.
Correction: That's your assumption. There's no reason her pants couldn't be wet.
Correction: It isn't JP who's shot accidentally by Mississippi, it's Cole.