Audio problem: The audio/video doesn't match when Tommy says "No wait you gotta listen to me." (00:11:15)
Other mistake: To the right of Lizbeth on the window you can see a reflection of a U shape object offscreen that is not there in the next shot when she begins to back up. (00:12:40)
Continuity mistake: When Lizbeth puts the car in reverse and backs up the shot from the exterior shows the car backing up but the next shot from the interior you can see out the window that the car is not moving. The following shot of the exterior you see the car come to a stop just before the edge. (00:12:58)
Continuity mistake: During the scene where Jason kills the couple in the volkswagen and again during the police chase it goes from night to day to night again. (00:13:00)
Continuity mistake: The tire tracks in the mud left by the VW go past where Jason is standing in the middle of the road even though Jason hasn't moved. The shots looking at the car from behind Jason show no tracks in the mud at all. (00:13:08)
Other mistake: Lizbeth shifts gears and never touches the clutch. While not impossible she would have to rev the engine just right to get it in gear which she does not appear to do. (00:13:25)
Continuity mistake: The "spearhead" of the pole Jason is holding is in his right hand pointed into the sky. In the next shot where he goes to stab the tire the spearhead is in his left hand pointed down to ground. (00:13:30)
Other mistake: Lizbeth doesn't push the clutch when slams the breaks so the car should have stalled out. You don't see or hear the car stall, and she does not have to restart the car. (00:13:32)
Revealing mistake: When Jason rams the iron pole through the windshield of his first victim's car, the windshield breaks like normal glass. (00:13:50)
Revealing mistake: Jason spears Darren in the stomach but the in the next shot the pole is not impaling him at all it's between his legs. Darren appears to be sitting on it as he jumps or is lifted up does the splits to avoid hitting Jason then brings his legs back together to land. (00:14:26)

Continuity mistake: When Jason kills Lizabeth, the first shot shows Jason with his feet on either side of her head, but in the next shot, his feet are together and away from her head. (00:14:35)
Revealing mistake: The muddy water is heated. You can see steam rising off water when Lizbeth is in it. The amount of steam changes as the water cools. Lizbeth is played by the director's then-wife, and they weren't going to let her sit in freezing water. (00:14:53)
Revealing mistake: When the counselors show up at camp with groceries, Paula and Cort walk away with bags to take inside. However if you watch the reflection in the side of the truck closely you can see them sit down and wait for the scene to end. (00:17:55)
Suggested correction: One of two things 1. They could have waited until they got all the other stuff to go. 2. One could have dropped a bunch of stuff and then the other went to help.
Continuity mistake: Hawes' heart is missing from where it should be beside the grave. When Jason heart punched Hawes he dropped the heart as Hawes fell back into the grave. As Jason turns he can be heard stomping on the heart. The heart may be squashed but it should be there and the caretaker should have spotted it. The broken shovel and gas can are also nowhere to be seen. (00:17:58)
Continuity mistake: Sissy put 2 ketchup bottles and 1 mustard on the counter top. When she turns to listen to Megan she bumps one bottle knocking over both ketchup bottles. As Megan finishes her story she points to the arriving bus full of kids you can see both bottles are back upright and the second ketchup bottle has moved behind the mustard. (00:19:10 - 00:19:45)
Continuity mistake: The paint ballers are wearing safety googles which have two indirect vents on the top. These removable vents disappear one by one over the next few minutes. Larry is missing the vent over his right eye, then both vents. Then Katie is missing the vent over her left eye, then Stan is now missing the vent over his left eye and Katie is now missing both vents. (00:20:37)
Revealing mistake: In front of Jason a few of the vines painted with black spray paint are visible. You can see where the paint stops around the sides. (00:20:58)
Revealing mistake: When the clumsy guy is running in the forest you see him tripping in some bushes. Then some wire, probably used to tie up the bushes, gets stuck in his feet and he is struggling to get it away as he is stumbling. In the next shot the wire is gone. (00:22:05)
Continuity mistake: When Jason holds up the severed arm and machete there is a small gap in the sleeve where you can see CJ Graham's skin and not Jason's rotted skin seen earlier. (00:22:29)
Continuity mistake: Colone has a blue pen in his left shirt pocket. The pen is there during the car ride and throughout the chase scene but disappears when he draws his gun. Later on the blue pen is back in his pocket when Colone says "Happy Friday the 13th". (00:22:35 - 00:45:48)