Police Academy

Factual error: When Lt. Harris is being held hostage on the rooftop during the riot, his captor shoots a seemingly endless amount of rounds from a revolver, which should only have a maximum of six rounds. (01:26:06)


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Suggested correction: He took both Copland and Blanks' revolvers, so he had 12 bullets. Even though we didn't see him switch guns, it doesn't mean he didn't at some point.

Police Academy mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the start of the film, Mahoney is wearing a white shirt with badges on it from the company he works for. When he's being interrogated by Sgt. Reed the shirt remains the same until the last part of the scene. The camera stays on Mahoney and we can see that the badges on the shirt are gone. If you look closely, you will notice that he is even wearing a completely different white shirt, which now looks more scruffy and creased. (00:08:00)


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Trivia: The scene of Blankes and Copeland entering the academy and getting their heads shaved were filmed in the wrong order. The haircut scene was filmed first so when the actors playing those characters enter the academy, they had to wear wigs.

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Question: In a real life situation, would Blankes and Copeland have any disciplinary actions against them when their guns were taken from them and used to hold Harris hostage and shoot at Mahoney?

Answer: With no witnesses to say HOW their guns were taken, they could have said they were taken by surprise and overpowered. Knowing their characters, this is likely what happened. No one would know the truth, that they simply froze and allowed the man to take their guns away.

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