Police Academy

Factual error: When Lt. Harris is being held hostage on the rooftop during the riot, his captor shoots a seemingly endless amount of rounds from a revolver, which should only have a maximum of six rounds. (01:26:06)


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Suggested correction: He took both Copland and Blanks' revolvers, so he had 12 bullets. Even though we didn't see him switch guns, it doesn't mean he didn't at some point.

Continuity mistake: At the end, after Mahoney kisses Karen, she takes off her hat and the position of her fringe changes between one angle and the other.


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Carey Mahoney: What are you in for?
Larvell Jones: I'll show you. [holds a microphone to his mouth and imitates gun fire causing everyone to drop to the floor.]

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Trivia: The scene of Blankes and Copeland entering the academy and getting their heads shaved were filmed in the wrong order. The haircut scene was filmed first so when the actors playing those characters enter the academy, they had to wear wigs.

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Question: Why did Mahoney get a medal at the end? All he did was run up a building and got himself taken hostage. Hightower deserved his cause he knocked the guy out, saved Harris and Mahoney and defused the situation. Even if it was for bravery or heroism, Mahoney achieved nothing with his actions and shouldn't have been rewarded.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Just because you fail in your attempt at heroics doesn't mean you weren't brave as hell for trying. Mahoney knowingly put himself in a very dangerous situation with the sole intent of saving two of his fellow officers. That's bravery.


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