Carey Mahoney: What are you in for?
Larvell Jones: I'll show you. [holds a microphone to his mouth and imitates gun fire causing everyone to drop to the floor.]
Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: Mahoney! I already told you once. Nobody screws with me.
Cadet Carey Mahoney: Well, maybe you'll meet the right girl and all of that'll change.
Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: You make me sick.
Carey Mahoney: Thank you, sir. I make everybody sick.
Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: Son, where did you get that gun?
Cadet Eugene Tackleberry: My mom gave it to me.
Chief Hurnst: Back in the old days, there were Johnsons as far as they eye could see.
Moses Hightower: I was a florist.
Carey Mahoney: A florist?
Moses Hightower: Yeah, you know, flowers and shit.
Cadet Leslie Barbara: Of all the guys who I thought were gonna make it, Hightower was the one. I mean, if all the cops looked like him there'd be no crime at all.
Carey Mahoney: You didn't hit the brakes.
Moses Hightower: You didn't tell me to.
Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: You know, Mahoney, I'd like to spend the next ten weeks breaking you into little pieces. But I won't. Because you're bad. You're bad for morale, Mahoney. Oh, you look like the sweet little boy from next door. But you don't fool me, oh no. You're the devil, and you're rotten to the core, and you're ruining my chance to train some people who might make pretty good cops!
Cmndt. Eric Lassard: What's wrong with this man?
Cadet Leslie Barbara: There was gunplay, sir, and he missed it.
George Martin: To me, marriage is a sacred institution. So tell me, you and the wife do it doggie-style, or what?
Answer: With no witnesses to say HOW their guns were taken, they could have said they were taken by surprise and overpowered. Knowing their characters, this is likely what happened. No one would know the truth, that they simply froze and allowed the man to take their guns away.