
Candyman (1992)

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(4 votes)

Candyman mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: During the first appearance of the true Candyman, there is sunlight where he is standing. The sunlight disappears in the close-up.

Continuity mistake: The first time Helen is at Cabrini Green and she goes through the medicine cabinet into the other apartment she has to actually crawl through the small opening in the wall where the medicine cabinet is, but when she goes back at the end to find the baby the hole in the wall has grown considerably, she just crouches and walks right through.


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Suggested correction: The hole became bigger because the Candyman is there now. Do you expect him to crawl?

I don't expect him to have to go through the opening at all since he is the Candyman. He can get into places without walking through a physical opening.


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Anne-Marie McCoy: White people never come 'round here except to cause us a problem.
Helen Lyle: Believe me, that's not what we want to do.

More quotes from Candyman

Trivia: For the infamous scene in which Candyman's body is covered with bees, and he opens his mouth, allowing bees to spill out while he kisses Helen, actual bees were used. The only real "effect" in the sequence was a hidden mouth-guard in Tony Todd's mouth, to keep the bees from going down his throat.

More trivia for Candyman

Question: What did Candyman mean when he told Helen it was always her? Why was he so interested in Helen?

Answer: When Helen goes back and sees the mural of his murder, the camera lingers on a woman in the picture that looks like her. This is the woman Candyman was in love with before he was killed. The implication is either she was reincarnated as Helen, or Helen reminded him of her, hence his interest in her.


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