Deadpool & Wolverine

Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)

1 other mistake - chronological order

(4 votes)

Other mistake: During their first confrontation with Cassandra Nova, the dynamic duo seem to score a point when Wolverine backstabs her in a very literal sense. While it makes for a cool moment, it also is pure nonsense; they are in an open space surrounded by her goons and none of them has the slightest reaction nor you can see any cover Wolverine could have used to sneak upon her. Even the soft ground is intact.


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Suggested correction: Cassandra uses her powers to phase shift (ghosting, selective intangibility) Wolverine into the ground and behind her. After her quite long time inside Deadpool's head, Wolverine manages to get himself out, phasing himself back behind her and stabs her. Since he was phasing, the ground won't be disturbed.


But he DOES disturb the ground when she phases him into it. He sinks in a hole, he leaves a trail. And that is with her controlling the process. Since he doesn't control the phasing and how to emerge from it, I don't get how he can just casually pop up (with no particular speed) without any trace, and again, unseen surrounded by goons watching from every angle, to nobody's reaction.


Look at the scene closely (if you can). There is far less disturbance than would have happened if someone was dragged through the ground. The only disturbance you see is from his claws still sticking out of the ground as he is being dragged; his body has zero effect on the ground. I think it also has to do with the amount of force Cassandra uses to pull him. Coming up slowly would hardly disturb it. The goons won't interfere; they know what she is capable of and has nothing to fear from these two.


Will of course check out the Disney+ release in the future, but the movie doesn't show the action going on this way; if they wanted to show him being phased, then they shouldn't have depicted him as being sucked into the ground with his body looking very much solid, nor his claws leaving claw-shaped trails. The fact that it causes much less of a disturbance than it could have is because well, her powers are not something we have a real life comparison with; the way she "skinned" Johnny wasn't physically accurate either but there's no lack of consistency with anything else. As for the on-screen portrayal of the ground pull, all I am pointing out is that he very much leaves physical and permanent trails on the ground that the movie shows, at no point his body shows to be immaterial, and then a minute later he just pops up, with no particular haste, and there are no traces of him going through the same medium. As for the lack of reaction, it's a lack of timely reaction; they do react to him when he stabs her, you can see some of them raising their guns, so it's not as if all of them have such trust in their boss' abilities that they are nonchalant about whatever is directed at her. It's just that they react to it when the audience does. There's no reason why they wouldn't do it earlier. Other than the fact that it's a movie, but's not like Deadpool makes a joke about their terrible reaction times.


Continuity mistake: In the first scene with Wade in his apartment meeting his friends from the previous movies, pay attention to the little chat he is having with Dopinder the cab driver. Ryan Reynolds is holding his green paper cup at different heights between shots.


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Question: This film will be a sequel to the first two Deadpool films, which were part of the Fox X-Men franchise, but will instead be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Is this the first time in history that a film is a sequel to another film, but is now part of a new franchise?


Answer: In addition to Bishop's answer, you could theoretically apply this to Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man characters. They both appeared in "Spider-Man: No Way Home," which technically acts as a sequel to "Spider-Man 3," "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" and "Spider-Man: Far From Home" - three distinct movie franchises. (And there are persistent rumors that Maguire and/or Garfield may make future MCU appearances).


To add to that (I ran out of room in my reply), with the creation of the multiverse, now any Sony or Fox franchise or universe can be considered as part of the MCU. So any Fantastic Four or X-Men sequel (although most likely any up coming film will be a reboot) can be part of the MCU.


I get what you're saying, but No Way Home was more of a crossover film that acknowledged characters coexisting in the multiverse, with those characters returning to their respective universes by the end, and Sony would still have control of those characters. Although we won't know for sure until Deadpool 3 comes out, Deadpool is meant to start as a character in a previously established film franchise and then occupy a different one moving forward.


But what film franchise would he be in? If he's in a Deadpool movie, he's in the Deadpool franchise. If they stop making Deadpool films and put him in another film, then he becomes part of another franchise. (Or more likely, just another crossover film).


This is where I would disagree with you about the MCU not being a franchise. I would contend that it is a franchise, and every series of films and TV shows within it are sub-franchises. So the Deadpool series of films would be a franchise unto itself, beginning in the larger Fox X-Men franchise and transitioning over to the MCU.


So what distinguishes one Marvel film from being in the MCU and another Marvel film not to be in it? Marvel Studios has been part of the production of a lot of films not included in the MCU, including the Blade, X-Men, and Deadpool films.


Any film made by Marvel themselves (or co-produced like the Tom Holland Spider-Man films). Marvel didn't begin making their own movies until the first Iron Man. All previous movies based on Marvel characters were made by other studios in association with Marvel, largely because Marvel licensed out their properties to avoid going bankrupt. The MCU itself is recognized as being the highest-grossing film franchise of all time.


Answer: It depends how you want to define a franchise. Are you talking production companies involved or the distribution company? And are you considering reboots? The reason Deadpool 3 would be "set" in the MCU is because Disney bought Fox and the filming rights returned to Marvel Studios, along with the rights to X-Men and Fantastic Four. When Sony rebooted Spider-Man with Tom Holland, Sony shared the rights with Marvel Studios. So Spider-Man was part of the MCU while still being part of the Sony Spider-man franchise. Venom 2's mid-credit scene is meant to make it part of the MCU while still being part of Sony's Spider-Man Universe. That being said, there are a number of cross-over films that put sequels into another franchises. Such as Freddy vs Jason, Godzilla vs Kong, or Frankenstein meets the Wolf-Man.


I'm speaking strictly from a narrative point of view. Say, for instance, they made a new Alien movie, but it was now part of the Avatar franchise moving forward, while still being a sequel to the previous Alien movies, and not intended to be a brief crossover. I know the meta nature of the Deadpool character and movies makes it a different beast, but still.


And this is what's up for debate, but to me, the MCU isn't a franchise. It's made up of the various franchises; Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, etc. where they exist in the same universe. So when crossover films occur, it's two or more franchises now existing in the same universe. Even the Avenger films can be considered crossovers. Which is why people were wonder if Spider-Man was part of the MCU or the Sony universe. Deadpool is still part of the Deadpool franchise, but now part of the MCU.


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