Earl Stone: Yeah next time you see me, I'll be texting my brains out.
Earl Stone: You're right. I thought it was more important to be somebody out there than the damn failure I was here at my own home.
SWAT Captain: Any last minute orders?
Agent Colin Bates: Yeah, nobody shoot me - unless it's absolutely necessary.
Earl Stone: Internet! Who needs it?
Earl Stone: Are you sure you're Mexican? You're acting like you're under The Fuhrer or something.
Agent Colin Bates: It's good to talk to one of you guys once in a while.
Earl Stone: "You guys"?
Agent Colin Bates: You know.
Earl Stone: What kind of guys?
Agent Colin Bates: You're just willing to... You live so long, I think you've probably lost your filter.
Earl Stone: Really. I never realised I ever had one.