Ellie Chu: I'm Ellie Chu.
Aster Flores: Yes, I know. You've only been playing my dad's services every Sunday for, like, four years. You're his favorite heathen. He can't handle mediocre accompanists, even if they ARE saved.
Ellie Chu: Gravity is matter's response to loneliness.
Ellie Chu: The good thing about being different is that no-one expects you to be like them.
Ellie Chu: Aster Flores thinks you're into abstract art and repressed British literature.
Paul Munsky: Yeah.
Ellie Chu: None of that is you.
Paul Munsky: It could be. I started reading that Remains of the Day book.
Ellie Chu: Really?
Paul Munsky: Yeah. I fell asleep a few times, but I'm still reading it. That's gotta count for something.
Paul Munsky: What was your mom like?
Ellie Chu: Young, funny, dead.
Paul Munsky: No, before she died.
Ellie Chu: Young, funny... fun.