Transformers: The Movie

Corrected entry: Early in the movie when Ironhide boards the ship for Earth, Prime checks for security status with Jazz and Cliffjumper. After the ship takes off, those two are seen standing right next to Prime. (00:06:10)

Correction: That is not a real-time sequence. The sequence starts with Cliffjumper counting down. The shuttle launches, and Jazz & Cliffjumper join Prime in the control room during the shot of the launch.

Corrected entry: In the big battle near the start of the movie, Prime comes on a shuttle with Dinobots reinforcments. However, there is one problem - one of the Dinobots, Snarl, is missing. However, when Galvatron returns to Autobot city and starts to attack it later on in the movie, Snarl is clealy seen doging laser fire. But then when Blur is trying to get the Dinobots on the shuttle, Snarl is gone - and does not make another appearence in the movie. (00:37:38)

Correction: I don't see how this is really a mistake. Okay, so Snarl is the only Dinobot at Autobot City, then when the other Dinobots arrive he meets up with for a while. Then, when they try to leave when they are being attacked by Galvatron, Snarl is left behind. So what's the big deal?

Corrected entry: In the big battle scene, the Decepticons retreat and get into Astrotrain. Look at Starscream - he has to duck to get in. Now once the Decepticons get inside, Astrotrain takes off. A couple of scenes later, the Decepticons start of fight over who should be leader. The Constructicons unite and form Devastator - this would be impossible since Devastator is at least 3 to 4 times bigger than Starscream. If this did happen Devastator would crash through Astrotrain's roof. (00:28:15)

Correction: The Constructicons weren't able to completely form Devestator. Soundwave's little transformers caused them to fall apart again before they were finished. While it's still highly likely that Devestator would not fit inside Astrotrain, it explains why they didn't crash through the roof.

Corrected entry: When the shuttle is landing in Autobot City, Sunstreaker and Huffer are briefly seen helping Kup set up the roadblock. However, when Optimus and the other reinforcements arrive from Cybertron, Sunstreaker can also be seen piloting the shuttle.

Correction: Those four autobots are Kup, Huffer and two that look like Windcharger and Wheeljack. The giveaway that Wheeljack could be there is that the big one is white and not gold like Sunstreaker.

Corrected entry: How did Rumble get Megatron's cannon back? The cannon is one level above Rumble, and even if he did get up there, wouldn't Hot Rod (who was on the upper level) shoot him off?

Correction: Hot Rod was busy tending to Optimus and not only were they quite a bit away from where the cannon was buried, but their backs were turned toward it. Also, being as small as he is, Rumble could have been able to sneak up real quickly and grab the cannon without being noticed.

Correction: Actually, all of Orson Welles lines' were recorded before he died. Leonard Nimoy never had to take over for him, as previously thought.

Corrected entry: During the big war scene we notice the autobots carrying in some of their dead (specifically Windcharger and Wheeljack). A couple of scenes later we can see those two characters standing behind the others who are watching a ship blast off.

Correction: I've seen this movie hundreds of times and am unable to find this. Time code is need to confirm.

Corrected entry: At the start of the big battle scene, Blitzwing says "Come on down, autobrat!" without moving his mouth.

Correction: Blitzwing was also in the process of transforming while saying this and his head was lowering out of view at the time. And yes, he can talk while in vehicle mode.

Corrected entry: In the big battle scene, Megatron orders Soundwave to "jam that transmission." Why doen't Megatron shoot it himself, saving time, and maybe himself? If he did do this, it's highly likely the message to Prime would not have got through, so Megatron wouldn't end up near dead.

Correction: This isn't a plot hole, just a second guessing of strategy.

Corrected entry: After Thundercracker, Skywarp, and the Insecticons are reformatted by Unicron, we see them a few scenes later at Starscream's coronation. (00:32:30)

Correction: There are more seekers in Thundercracker and Skywarp colors, and the Insecticons can clone themselves. So it is possible they can be at two places at the same time.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Daniel saves some Autobots and his father from the acid pit by blasting the lid support, why didn't Spike blast the acid cover lid himself? Seeing as Daniel was wearing Spike's old exo-suit, did Spike upgrade to a suit with no weaponry? (01:14:10)

Correction: Its possible that the clamps the bots and Spike were held in had some sort of weapon damper to keep armed victims from escaping.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: When the beetle Insecticon is seen eating the front door to Autobot City, he's seen close up with only one antenna because the other was blasted off by the tank Blitzwing's friendly fire. But it was the right antenna that was blasted off and the left one is seen missing later on. (00:14:10)

Correction: Shrapnel didn't get his antenna blown off he was only shot in his shoulder. This is evident in the fact that he is seem at different times with both antennae. The antenna is merely being hidden by the door.

Corrected entry: When Unicron is first discussing his terms with Megatron, he says he needs the Matrix destroyed. Megatron then says that Optimus Prime is dead, but how could he know that when Optimus was still alive after Astrojet took all the Decepticons back to Cybertron? (00:29:50)

Correction: Megatron knows from the battle that he shot up Prime pretty badly and is most likely guessing he is dead, but actually says Prime IS dead to increase his barganing position with Unicron.

Corrected entry: When Unicron first attacks Cybertron, some jets attack him. One of the jets is Starscream. How could this be if he was killed earlier in the movie? (01:09:03)

Correction: The grey airplane which attacks Unicron is Ramjet, not Starscream.

Corrected entry: Wreck Gar's mouth doesn't move correctly when he says his first line.

Correction: Wreck-Gar is a robot, so he has a voice synthesizer. He doesn't use his lips and tongue to create the sounds of his speech, so he was projecting his voice through a speaker. Unicron is another robot who never moves his mouth when he talks.

Well, I mean, except his mouth does move later, and all the other Transformers' mouths move when they speak.

Corrected entry: Unicron's left eye gets smashed and he can't fire lasers from it any more, but when his other eye gets smashed, he CAN fire lasers from it.

Correction: Only one eye was smashed when the ship broke through it, the other eye never gets damaged.

Corrected entry: In the scene when Megatron and the decepticons blast into the autobot shuttle, Megatron transforms and Starscream starts blasting the autobots with Megatron (in gun mode), when the autobots (Ironhide & Ratchet) return fire we see Starscream firing from his own gun on his arm then back to the autobots and then back to Starscream and he is firing from Megatron again. (00:07:14)

Correction: He holds Megatron in his left hand. When the Autobots return fire, he is forced to take cover, and shoot from the gun on his right arm. It's easy to see actually.

Yes, Starscream does hold Megatron in his left hand but, as he is forced to take cover, both of his hands are visible, in the shot just before he returns fire, and he is not holding Megatron at all.

Corrected entry: In the very short shot of the robots battling each other above Autobot City, just after Ironhide (who should not be there) flies out of shot, Shockwave (the purple one) flies in. What's he doing there? He was left back on Cybertron, wasn't he?

Correction: Megatron leads the main decepticon army against autobot city leaving cybertron defended by lesser decepticons.

Continuity mistake: In the battle scene at autobot city, Megatron orders Soundwave to jam the transmission that Blaster is sending to Optimus Prime. When Soundwave ejects Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage & Ratbat we see them flying through the air transforming simultaneously and and both Rumble & Frenzy are coloured the same (red & black) when Rumble is supposed to be purple. (00:15:08)

More mistakes in Transformers: The Movie

Quintesson judge: Before the Imperial Magistrate delivers his verdict, would you like to beg for your lives? It sometimes helps - but not often.

More quotes from Transformers: The Movie

Trivia: It seems Huffer dies in the movie, but you don't see this character get killed. The evidence is that in the episode "Dark Awakening" the Autobots find a graveyard ship with a lot of the killed of characters bodies inside, and one grave says Huffer on it.

More trivia for Transformers: The Movie

Question: Who are the inhabitants of the planet we see at the beginning (the first to fall victim to Unicron)? Are they transformers or just normal robots?

Answer: The planet was called Lithone. According to a comic book adaptation, the race that dwelled there were an offshoot of the Transformers who were more emotional. The limited information given on the only two characters named in the movie, Arblus and Kranix, shows that they can transform even though this is never shown.

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