Transformers: The Movie

Corrected entry: Both Thundercracker and Skywarp seem fine and can be seen running to Astrotrain as the Decepticons retreat. The other damaged Decepticons (Megatron and the Insecticons) have to be carried to Astrotrain as they are so damaged. However, when the Decepticons decide to boot off the weak, Thundercracker and Skywarp suddenly look very damaged. (00:23:05 - 00:27:10)

Correction: Thundercracker did look damaged when he was flying over Autobot City. Just because they could walk, doesn't mean they weren't both hurt. (They sure sounded hurt when they voted not to be booted off the shuttle!).

Corrected entry: This mistake may be seen easier if you have a pause/slow button on your VCR. At the big battle scene, watch the shot of Autobots and Decepticons flying and shooting around the top of Autobot city. (Just after the scene of Hot Rod and Kup getting into the city.) If you look closely, you will see Ironhide jet off to the right, even though he is dead.

Correction: This isn't Ironhide, it's Reflector with the wrong color scheme.

Corrected entry: When Prime tells the Dinobots to destroy Devastator, Sunstreaker's forearm is coloured yellow instead of black. (00:18:45)

Correction: It has been 20 years since we last saw Sunstreaker in the TV show. He was always complaining about his paint job, so perhaps he had gotten a new one. This does not contradict anything else from the movie.

Corrected entry: When Springer and Arcee are running from Starscream's aerial attacks (after Starscream yells "Pathetic fools. There's no escape."), the floor they are running on changes from a dark to light blue colour when the shot changes. The tiles at the side of the floor also go from small to very big. (00:13:20)

Correction: Look at the floor, its folding upward, the upward part looks different,this is VERY clear.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Kup says "What's that darn fool doing?", watch where Hot Rod is firing, he's completely missing the shuttle.

Correction: He had some optic sensor on to see closer, he fired with them still on. Try walking around the house with binoculars stuck to your eyes, it will take a while to adjust. Now try shooting.

Corrected entry: Earlier I submitted a mistake and Phrased it wrong, so here is what I meant; Unicron's left eye is smashed when a ship flies through it, and he can't fire lasers from it, but when Rodimus and the others break through his other eye, he can fire lasers from his right eye still, but not his left.

Correction: When the shuttle went through, the Autobots jumped out and the shuttle kept going, obviously it went farther into Unicron and would have damaged the main laser controls. Later, when they escape, they just damage the lens, not the laser itself, kind of like if you just damaged the lens of the flashlight it would still work just not as well.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Kup and Hot Rod reach Autobot City and discover that the Insecticons are in their way, Hot Rod says, "Wrong, they're our way in." But in the next shot when it shows Hot Rod jumping the gap, look in the background at the road and you can see that Kup is missing.

Correction: Hotrod speads up significantly and leaves Kup behind before the jump. Kup even referred to him earlier as a "turbo riding young punk" so Hotrod was faster than Kup.

Corrected entry: When Daniel knocks down half of the acid vat's cover, Bumblebee, Jazz, Cliffjumper, and Spike land on it but none of the other victims behind them follow. Daniel just blasted the cover supports, he didn't stop the conveyor belt.

Correction: There never appeared to be any victims behind them. It is also reasonable to assume that Unicron didn't eat anyone else as after eating Cybertron's moons he was staying pretty close to Cybertron.

Corrected entry: In the movie, the transformers actually die when they are shot. In the TV series, they would normally be damaged and would later be repaired. However, it seems that only the Decepticon guns can kill, since in the shuttle attack scene near the start the Decepticons kill some Autobots. But, later Blitzwing shoots an Insecticon and the Insecticon does not die. When Autobots do hit the Decepticons (Prime guns down just about every Decepticon there apart from Megatron, and Blaster shoots down a Constructicon with a huge laser cannon) they do not die, some don't even take damage.

Correction: It's established in the movie that the Decepticons have conquered Cybertron, and have much more access to Energon (their energy source) than the Autobots do. The Decepticons' weapons do more damage because they have much more Energon to power their weapons, thus making them more deadly. As to why it goes back to "nobody gets killed" in the later seasons is still a mystery, though.

Corrected entry: When Kup says "What's that darn fool doing?" you can see Hound with him. The thing is, later Hound is seen coming out of the shuttle that Prime and the others arrived in to help out in the big battle from Moonbase 1.

Correction: This is a misconception. Hounds is actually never seen on Prime's shuttle or coming out of the shuttle. He is just standing there near the exit. He could have simply drove up to meet Prime upon his arrival.

Corrected entry: At the start of the big battle scene, Ultra Magnus tells Blurr that he can help him "alert the others" Hold on. First, Lookout Mountain has been destroyed with a rather big explosion. Second, the shuttle everyone was expecting to land has just blown up and these things called "Decepticons" have left it. Thirdly, Starscream sets a barrage of laser fire on the base before Magnus has told the others what to do. The others ought to know that they were under attack.

Correction: UltraMagnus was probably refering to all the other Autobots on earth that are not in the area of Autobot City.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Bumblebee and Spike are trying to escape Unicron, listen carefully. Just as they are being sucked in you can hear Spike curse in adult language. Yet this is a PG rated kids movie.

Correction: Swearing is allowed to a moderate degree in a PG-rated film these days. The swearing was only reinstated for the 20th Anniversary DVD release in 2006, making this release entirely in line with modern-day certifications. As a result, this can hardly be considered particularly notable.


Corrected entry: When Unicron is busy reformatting the injured Decepticons, he makes 2 Cyclonuses. However, one shot change later and only one is there, and that's the way it stays for the entire movie (and later TV episodes).

Correction: Actually, there are several Cyclonus-style jets in at least one TV episode following the movie, namely "Five Faces of Darkness Part 5".

Corrected entry: When the Decepticons are in Astrotrain fighting each other, right after Devastator collapses, you see the Constructicon Hook jump in air and then get pounced on by Ravage, but immediately in the next shot he is standing fighting Soundwave.

Correction: Hook was able to kick Ravage away, but then Soundwave picked a fight with Hook.

Corrected entry: When Blaster deploys his cassette robots, the two actual robots (not the animals) keep flashing colours from blue to black and back.

Correction: They are emerging from the shadows, when they are in the shadows they just look black.

Corrected entry: When Galvatron stands on Unicron and says he has the Matrix, he is wearing it around his neck. After Unicron transforms, Galvatron transforms and starts shooting at Unicron. Then when he changes back he hasn't got the Matrix, but has it again when you see him falling into Unicron's mouth.

Correction: When Galvatron was in robot mode, he was wearing the Matrix around his neck, but when he transformed, the Matrix was contained within a compartment in his chest.

Corrected entry: When Starscream says "How do you feel, mighty Megatron?" his entire cockpit area on his chest is orange. Only the glass should be orange, the rest is suppose to be white.

Correction: This color is just reflecting from the orange cockpit onto the silver metal. It happens a lot in the television series, too.

Corrected entry: When Blaster picks up the distress signal from Spike and Bumblebee, the speakers on his legs aren't there.

Correction: Lots of Transformers have retractable parts. Hot Rod's fists, Springer's arm gun, ect. Blaster wasn't using his speakers, so they retracted into his legs. They appeared when he needed them, after he got the distress signal from Spike and Bumblebee.

Corrected entry: When Hot Rod says "Not bad for an old timer." when Kup saves from being shot by Blitzwing and one of the Insecticons, he is holding Daniel. Yet when the shot changes to show them transforming, Hot Rod isn't holding Daniel any more.

Correction: If you look closely, you can see Daniel jumping behind Hot Rod into the vehicle canopy on his back as he transforms. It's easier to see this on the DVD.

Correction: Transformers can speak without moving their mouths. Otherwise, how could they talk when they were transformed into cars and planes?

Continuity mistake: During their fight at Autobot city, Megatron throws a rock at Optimus like a spear. Before he throws it it, looks big in his hands, but when it hits Optimus it looks quite smaller and fatter. Then Optimus pulls it out and it's back to the right size again.

More mistakes in Transformers: The Movie

Quintesson judge: Before the Imperial Magistrate delivers his verdict, would you like to beg for your lives? It sometimes helps - but not often.

More quotes from Transformers: The Movie

Trivia: Even though Starscream was killed in the movie, he came back in two later TV episodes as a ghost. He also appeared in one Beast Wars episode.

More trivia for Transformers: The Movie

Question: Who are the inhabitants of the planet we see at the beginning (the first to fall victim to Unicron)? Are they transformers or just normal robots?

Answer: The planet was called Lithone. According to a comic book adaptation, the race that dwelled there were an offshoot of the Transformers who were more emotional. The limited information given on the only two characters named in the movie, Arblus and Kranix, shows that they can transform even though this is never shown.

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