The Terminator

Question: How did Reese know that Sarah was at the Tech-Noir bar. Is there a deleted scene with Reese where he finds out where she is or was it luck.

Answer: It's all in the film - Reese tails Sarah from the moment that she leaves her apartment. He's waiting outside the bar that she's in when she sees the news report and follows her down the road when she leaves - she sees him and gets scared, which is when she ducks into Tech-Noir. He sees her go in, then walks past, before turning back and entering himself.


Question: Some people think Ginger is Sarah's sister, but I have always thought she was just her close friend and roommate. Who's right?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: Ginger is Sarah's roommate and best friend.

Chosen answer: No mention is made of her being Sarah's sister. If she was, at some point in the other films, it would have been mentioned.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: When John Connor sends Kyle Reese back in time to protect his mother, Reese then becomes Connor's father, how could John Connor be the same person he is if a different man's sperm produced him?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: The whole thing's a paradox, which, as time travel doesn't exist, we have no way to determine how it would work out in reality, and thus any movie dealing with time travel can make up its own rules. Effectively an infinite loop has been set up - Sarah gives birth to John, John grows up, meets Kyle, sends Kyle back to meet Sarah, they make love, Sarah gives birth to John and so on and so on. There may have been an original father to John at the beginning, but he was supplanted in the loop by Kyle and thus, in the timeline the film presents, the John who sent Kyle back is the one fathered by Kyle himself. Alternatively, maybe John Connor wasn't the original resistance leader, that some other leader sent Kyle back the first time, leading to the birth of John Connor, who then became the resistance leader instead; thus Kyle has always been John's father. This is the nature of a paradox, that there are things about the situation that don't necessarily seem to fit together, but they somehow come about anyway. The detail can be debated ad infinitum, but no concrete conclusion can be drawn, because that's just how this works.


Chosen answer: Kyle was. It's a paradox, an infinite loop; Kyle goes back, fathers a son who later meets the younger Kyle and sends him back to father a son who later meets the younger Kyle... etc. etc. There are no hard and fast rules governing this sort of thing, so there doesn't necessarily have to have been an original father who kicked the whole thing off before being supplanted by Kyle. Or maybe there was. Or maybe there was originally a different resistance leader who sent Kyle back, leading to the birth of John who became resistance leader instead. This sort of thing can be debated until the cows come home, but ultimately the only answer is "it's a paradox".


Question: After the T-800's infamous invasion of the police station, Reese and Sarah escape and the T-800 is unable to catch them. Reese and Sarah then hide in a tunnel overnight. The next time we see the T-800 is the following day, in his hideout scanning Sarah's address book. What has the T-800 been doing this whole time?

Deidra Goins

Chosen answer: He lost track of Sarah, so he went to look for her mother in order to find out the location of Sarah.

Kirill Ostapenko

Answer: He did. His eyes scanned each punk and calculated which one would fit the best.

Question: In one of the future scenes when the resistance base is under attack, is the model of Terminator a T-800 but with a different skin job?

Darth Crucible

Answer: Yes. Reese explains that the terminators used to have rubber skin and were easy to spot. The T-800 has living human skin so it's impossible to tell by simply looking at them. That is why the resistance starts using dogs to spot terminators. The terminator that attacks the base looks entirely human and only the dogs know anything is out of the ordinary.


Question: How did the Terminator manage to find a hotel room already equipped with surgical tools and bandages? Doesn't seem like he set it up with supplies earlier since the first we see is him breaking in via the fire escape.

Answer: He isn't breaking in via the fire escape, hes just using it as a means of coming and going without being seen by the hotel staff, so at any point during the movie, he could have equipped himself with those tools. It is not necessary for a movie to show every intervening action onscreen.


Question: When Kyle and Sarah change places in the pickup truck, if you play it in slow motion you can see Kyle's face transitioning to that of a stuntman. How did they manage to do that back in 1984? And more importantly, since they were driving straight ahead, why?

Answer: As for the transformation it appears to be an optical thing. It appears that Kyle was driving and doing the switch. the reason for the switch is so Kyle can toss out the pipe bombs. notice that Sara holds one up and Kyle and her then switch places.

James Rowell

Question: Why are they always naked when returning from the future?

Answer: Reese explains that only living things can come through the portal. This is why they can't bring any equipment, including clothing. The Terminator can come because it's covered in living skin.


Question: When Reese hot wires the car what's the name of the song that starts playing?

Answer: When they are in the car park? If that's the case, it's just called Tunnel Chase - written specifically for the film. It is located on the official soundtrack.

Sam Johnson

Question: When the Terminator is repairing himself his right eye is damaged yet when they show him in the mirror cutting it out it looks like it's his left eye that's damaged (judging from what the reflection we see would entail). Is this a legitimate mistake or am I mixing things up here?

Answer: No, his left eye is damaged the entire time. Watch carefully; it never switches to his right.

Deidra Goins

Chosen answer: He'd just mugged somebody in the alley for their trousers.


Answer: Gleaned from the internet: James Cameron envisioned Lance Henriksen as the Terminator when he was developing the story concept, though Henriksen was never cast. They'd previously worked together in "Piranha 2" and later in "Aliens." A number of actors were considered for the Terminator part, but it ultimately went to Arnold Schwarzenegger, who initially wasn't interested. Cameron found a role for Henriksen as Vukovich, as Henriksen had been essential to finding finances for the film.


Answer: When Kyle looked in the telephone book for her address, it was 309. The Terminator also found Sarah J. Connor listed as 309 Calder. When she comes out of her apartment, 225 is on the door.


Question: When Sarah leaves the apartment after her date cancels, she tells Ginger she's going to a movie. The next time we see Sarah, she's eating a slice of pizza in a bar. Did she already go to the movie, or did she change her mind and go to dinner instead?

Answer: It's never addressed, so any answer would be speculation. But we can assume it's been a while, since Matt (Ginger's boyfriend) arrives as Sarah is leaving, and when she calls from the bar, Ginger and Matt have had sex, Matt's fallen asleep, Ginger's made a quite elaborate midnight snack, and the Terminator has murdered them both.

Question: Towards the end of the movie when Kyle Reese dies, what will happen to him, considering he's from the future and there is no way he could be identified?


Answer: He would likely be considered as a "John Doe," with some identifying number, then buried in a modern-day equivalent of a "Potter's Field," where unknown persons are buried. Sarah Conner could have supplied Kyle's name, though this could not be verified and he'd still be considered as an unknown.


Answer: Also, in the sequel when the T-1000 looks up John Connor's info on the police car's computer, John's father is listed as "unknown', so any info Sarah had given the police was apparently disregarded.


Answer: He'd be treated like any other John Doe corpse.

Answer: He uses a hacksaw blade that he most likely picked up from somewhere off screen.


Question: Why would a gun store have ammo on display? Would it make more sense to have it behind the counter or a hidden place so customers can't take some when the clerk's not looking?

Answer: Things that are sold are on dispay or people wouldn't know you got it for sale now would they? The clerk is alert for shoplifters, its his risk. No difference from a gas station.


I think the question is referring to why would they have the ammo on the counter and not on a shelf behind the counter or in a display counter? Having live ammunition on the counter is, as you say the clerks risk. But it does seem rather foolish.


I think inexpensive things are common to be put on counters to sell. Like cigarette lighters, candy and lottery tickets. Bullets seem a bit dubious as this scene shows someone can load their gun on the spot, but I don't think in reality anyone would do that.


Agreed, non-expensive items are generally kept on counters. But slightly stupid and dangerous to do it with ammo.


Question: Kyle Reese finds Sarah before the Terminator - why does he need to wait hours, until the Terminator has his laser sighting on Sarah, before approaching her?

Answer: Kyle didn't know what the Terminator looked like so he waited for him to make a move on Sarah so he could identify him in future.

Answer: By saving her life he shows that he means no harm. The terminator on the other hand is out to kill her. By saving her, he's given her a reason to trust him.


More mistakes in The Terminator

Kyle Reese: Listen! And understand. That Terminator is out there! It can't be bargained with, can't be reasoned with! It doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear, and it absolutely will not stop. EVER! Until you are dead!

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