
Factual error: The police are circling the theatre to find out where Johnny's escaped father is. During this, you can see that Mike is getting pulled upwards towards the copters like a piece of metal getting attracted to a magnet. Helicopters create downdrafts - Mike should've been blown away from the stage rather than being pulled up.

Plot hole: There's no way that Eddie and Nana left the flooded theater without getting a single drop of water on them. The water flooded up to the ceiling and there's no other way to exit besides the front doors, and Moon's secret exit, which also floods. They do not leave through either way.


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Buster Moon: When you've reached rock bottom, there's only one way to go, and that's up.

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Trivia: When Richard the Buffalo accidentally steps on Ray the Snail, you can hear the Wilhelm scream.

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Question: What happened to Mike the Mouse? At the end of the film we see him escaping with his girlfriend, but the bear is latching on the car. This is the last time we see them and we don't see them at the reopening of the theatre, so what happened?

Answer: I think he escaped from the bear with his girlfriend, sped off very fast and the bears fell off the car.

You haven't read the question. Before it cuts to Meena's performance, the lead bear popped up from behind the car and presumably kidnapped them.

Answer: Mike had to stay with the bears for the rest of his life.

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