Stanley Goodspeed: I'll do my best.
John Mason: Your "best"! Losers always whine about their "best"! Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.
Stanley Goodspeed: Carla was the prom queen.
John Mason: Really?
[Goodpseed cocks his gun.]
Stanley Goodspeed: Yeah.
John Mason: This is more enjoyable than my average day. Reading philosophy, avoiding gang rape in the washrooms... Though that's less of a problem these days. Maybe I'm losing my sex appeal.
General Hummel: Do you know who I am? Did they tell you why I am doing this? Why I am out here? Or are they using you like they did everyobdy else?
John Mason: All I know is that you were big in Vietnam. I saw the highlights on television.
General Hummel: Then you probably have got no fucking idea what it means to lead some of the finest gentlemen on God's earth into combat, and then watch their memories get betrayed by their own damn government.
John Mason: I don't quite see how you can cherish the memory of the dead by killing another million. This is not combat, it's an act of lunacy, General Sir. Personally, I think you're a fucking idiot.
General Hummel: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.
John Mason: "Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious," according to Oscar Wilde.
[Hummel knocks him to the ground.]
John Mason: Thank you for making my point.
[A recently-killed bad guy's feet are twitching.]
Stan: You've been around a lot of corpses, is that normal?
Mason: What, the feet thing?
Stan: Yeah, the feet thing.
Mason: Yeah, that happens.
Stan: Well I'm kinda having a hard time concentrating here, can you do something about it?
Mason: What do you want me to do, kill him again?
Stan: Look, I'm just a biochemist, most of the time I work in a glass jar and lead a very uneventful life. I drive a Volvo. A beige one. But what I'm working with here is one of the most dangerous substances the world has ever known, so why don't you cut me some frickin' slack!
John Mason: I've been in jail longer than Nelson Mandela, so maybe you want me to run for president.
Stanley Goodspeed: Well, I'm one of those fortunate people who like my job, sir. Got my first chemistry set when I was seven, blew my eyebrows off, we never saw the cat again, been into it ever since.
Tourist: What kind of fucked up tour is this?
Humvee owner: This is my Humvee. I don't want any nicks, dents, or scratches, or I have your ass!
Stanley Goodspeed: What do you say we cut the chit chat, A-hole! You almost got me killed twice, and my jaw hurts like hell.
John Mason: Good.
General Hummel: You've made a terrible mistake, and more of our brothers have died in vain. Damn you for forcing me into this position.
[Mason starts rolling under the furnace.]
Lieutenant Shepard: Where'd you dig up this guy?
Stanley Goodspeed: That's classified.
Major Baxter: I wanna talk to General Kramer.
General Hummel: You've been asked by an old friend.
Major Baxter: Put him on the phone right now!
General Hummel: You've been ordered by a superior officer.
Major Baxter: This is Major Baxter!
General Hummel: You are now being given your last chance by a man with a gun! Put the phone down!
John Mason: Womack. Why am I not surprised, you piece of shit!
Answer: He led them to believe he needed it to break in.