Guy of Gisbourne: Why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe?
Sheriff of Nottingham: Because it's dull, you twit! It'll hurt more!
Sheriff of Nottingham: Locksley! I'm gonna cut your heart out with a spoon.
Robin Hood: Then it begins.
Sheriff of Nottigham: That's it then! Cancel the kitchen scraps for lepers and orphans, no more merciful beheadings, and call off Christmas!
Sheriff of Nottingham: [To some prostitutes.] You - my room,10:30 tonight. You - 10:45. And bring a friend.
Will Scarlett: There was a rich man from Nottingham who tried to cross the river. What a dope, he tripped on a rope. Now look at him shiver.
Robin Hood: Look. Mistletoe. Many a maid's lost her resolve to me thanks to this little plant.
Azeem: In my country, we talk to our women. We do not drug them with plants.
Villager: But what about our kin? Sheriff's taken all they got too!
Robin Hood: Then by God we take it back.
Azeem: English! English! Behold Azeem Edin Bashir Al Bakri! I am not one of you, but I fight! I fight against a tyrant who holds you under his boot. If you would be free men, then you must fight. Join us now! Join Robin Hood!
Robin Hood: I for one would rather die than spend my life in hiding. The Sheriff calls us outlaws, but I say we are free! And one free man defending his home is more powerful than ten hired soldiers. The Crusades taught me that. I will make you no promises, save one: that if you truly believe in your hearts that you are free, Then I say we can win!
Will Scarlet: Fuck me! He cleared it.
Chosen answer: The masked men weren't part of a cult, they were the Sheriff's soldiers, the same ones that Robin meets when he first returns home. They are just in hoods and masks to appear intimidating while trying to kill the noblemen, like Locksley.