Factual error: During the Nick Fury chase scene that takes place in D.C., several black and white state highway 6 signs are visible. These signs are unique to Ohio. Route 6 goes straight through downtown Cleveland where the scene was filmed. Plus during other chase scenes several Cleveland landmarks are visible in the background. (00:28:30)
Factual error: Just before they start to discuss the Mobile Launch Platform that has been hijacked in the Indian ocean, their GPS position is displayed on the bottom right corner of the screen INDIAN OCEAN Lat: 16N 55' 12.06" Long: 72N 56' 7.09 Longitude should be East/West, not North/South, plus the notation is incorrect. It should have been 16°55'12.06"N, 72°56'7.09"E. (00:03:43)

Factual error: As Captain America and the S.H.I.E.L.D team heads to the S.H.I.E.L.D ship, Lemurian Star in the Indian Ocean, both coordinates are North. Longitude has to be E/W and the coordinates link to the Arabian Sea, to the north of the Indian Ocean. (00:03:30)

Factual error: The location in DC has latitude and longitude both as N/S - longitude is an east/west factor. (00:13:05)
Factual error: When Rogers is launched through the front window of the bus after the Winter Soldier shoots him with a grenade, the bus is hit by a truck and flips. But if you look closely, the damage is minimal. On the truck it would qualify as a fender bender, and the dent in the bus looks like it was made with one decent swing from a sledgehammer. No way was that collision powerful enough to flip a fourteen ton bus on its side. (01:14:50)
Factual error: When Cap, Falcon and Black Widow are being arrested after fighting the Winter Soldier in DC, a new helicopter shows up with a "K" call number, which are reserved for western stations. DC stations use "W" call numbers.
Chosen answer: They were talking about the apartment Steve Rogers lives in. Pierce is saying Nick Fury bugged Cap's apartment, one of his own agents.