Stupidity: Recurring issue when Ahsoka is fighting with dual sabers - there are often times in a duel when one saber is clashing with the other person, but she still has a hand free with her shoto that she could use to stab/slash and win the fight easily. Would make for shorter battles of course.

Two Hundred Dollars and a Bus Pass - S1-E8
Stupidity: Two police officers and a physician find an injured woman in a lab. The officers attend to the woman while the physician calls for EMTs. Wouldn't it be better if the physician looked after the injured person while the officers called for help?

Stupidity: The Chief Baker on the Titanic is fast asleep in his bunk when the ship hits an iceberg. It is said that he survived because he drank heavily prior to his going into the water. He had at least a full tumbler of alcohol. He is shown drinking it in two scenes. He is shown dressed in full white chef gear and even wearing a white chef kerchief. It seems stupid that he would wear such a thing if he had just been startled awake.