Stupidity: After Danny kills Kat on the sidewalk, he just stands there with Rory while the other gang members flee to their vehicles. William comes running out of the Mexican restaurant and Rory tells Danny, "We gotta go, brother. Now." Rory sees William and gets into the vehicle without getting Danny to go with him. The gang drives away with Rory watching out the window as William tackles and fights with Danny. Rory and the rest of the violent gang left behind someone who just passed the initiation. (00:07:10 - 00:07:40)

Stupidity: The protagonist is wearing normal boots atop a spacesuit while being on a moon mission. (01:37:11)

Stupidity: There is a map of the area on the wall behind Jason as he tells Sam and Ben to "look for anything useful - maps, food, radios, anything." Also, there is a map in the drawer as Sam opens it, but she removes the notice letter "shuttered for budget cuts" and the snowmobile keys. (00:44:43 - 00:45:20)

Stupidity: Don told Allen he'd have to wear a blindfold to his house because he didn't want Allen to know where he lived. Instead of having Allen ride in the cab where he could monitor him to make sure he didn't remove the blindfold, Don made Allen ride in the truck's bed (where Allen did lower the blindfold to use his cell phone). (00:14:24 - 00:17:00)

Stupidity: Despite being wanted for murder, escaping jail, and having his face plastered on the front page of the newspaper, Morbius meets Martine in a public diner and doesn't even make an attempt to conceal his identity while they are seated. Even shaving off his beard and cutting his hair short would have gone a long way in making him more unrecognizable.

Stupidity: Grace (?) came out of hiding holding a fire extinguisher upside-down as though prepared to use the fire extinguisher to whack any Allosaurus that approached her. Actually spraying the dinosaur's eyes with the chemical contents of the fire extinguisher - and from a greater distance by using the hose - would have been much more practical and effective as a repellent and thereby less likely to result in getting maimed/killed. (She did not use the fire extinguisher at all). (01:02:20)

Stupidity: Soon after the new art therapy instructor Anna arrived for her first day at the mental hospital, Leena - the most dangerous patient - was not in her room and nobody could find her. The hospital went into lock down and the doctor took Anna to a room. Without first looking in the room, the doctor said, "Do not leave this room. Don't worry, you will be safe here and we'll come back after we found her" and then locked Anna inside the room - with Leena. (00:03:36 - 00:04:41)

Stupidity: Catherine, wearing a dress and coat, was outside in the snow chopping firewood while her teenaged son sat nearby playing video games on his tablet. This could also fall under "plot hole" because having the son close by made him available to try to help his mom when Pryce attacked her (with the intent to rape). (00:36:40 - 00:37:15)

Stupidity: The cleaning crew can't open doors and stand in front of a large window. They see a couple walking a dog, so they scream, "Hey!" and wave their hands in the air, even though the people are not looking their way. They do not bang on the glass or use their flashlights to try to draw attention. (00:29:13)

Stupidity: When Joaquin was running from Cornell, he turned into an alley between buildings. He was to the left (of the screen), which was unobstructed, but ran to the right, so he could jump over boxes. Cornell could have also stayed to the left, but ran far enough to the right where he could kick the boxes out of his way. Easily avoiding the boxes would have been faster. (00:11:37)

Stupidity: When the plane begins crashing, Kayla tells Claire that she is sitting in an ejector seat. She also mentions that there are no parachutes because she "wasn't expecting company." If Kayla was expecting to be alone in a crash scenario, what use would installing the ejector seat in one of the passenger seats have been? She would have to move from the pilot seat to the passenger seat while the plan is crashing. Surely it would've been easier to install the ejector seat in the pilot seat.

Stupidity: At the police station, a bucket of tools was left along the wall within a couple inches of the jail cell door where so-called "Amityville Strangler" Joe Gallo was detained. Gallo was able to reach the tools, use something to unlock his cell, and have a weapon - sledgehammer - "to go." (00:46:57 - 00:57:30)

Stupidity: After the cloth was lit, the "Santa" could have easily thrown the Molotov Cocktail far enough to ignite the Christmas tree but, instead, casually walked to get closer (within several feet) before tossing it. This may have been for dramatic purposes, but carrying a lit rag (part of a Molotov Cocktail) unnecessarily increases the risk of getting a burn injury (which can be quite serious/painful). (00:02:35)