Continuity mistake: The street view/scenery when Emily is walking down the road outside of her new apartment becomes quite different when the camera shifts to an aerial view (showing more cars and buildings, fewer trees along the right side of the road, and mountains in the distance instead of the nearby ocean). (01:29:09)

Continuity mistake: At the clothing rental store, Maigret puts the box with the victim's bloodied dress on the counter. He leans against the counter with closed fists, but in the next shot, we see Gérard Depardieu leaning with his open hands flat instead. (00:17:00)

Continuity mistake: Kol shouts, "Stop the car!" Adam slams on the brakes from a cruising speed, yet miraculously, the car is bumper-to-bumper with a parked red SUV. When Kol gets back into Adam's car, the red SUV should be visible. However, outside of the windshield, there is a white blur. A car drives close by on a perpendicular road that wasn't there before Adam stopped. (00:15:48 - 00:16:20)

Revealing mistake: When William and Jack open the door, enter the room, and walk past the helium-filled balloons (tied to a chair about 4' away), the balloons remain immobile. Due to how light helium balloons are, just opening the door or breathing nearby would be enough to cause the balloons to move somewhat - if they were actually there. (00:16:00)

Character mistake: Nolan said, "Everybody knows that no sharks swim in freshwater" and Spencer said, "They don't come into freshwater", but there are freshwater sharks (e.g, river sharks) and bull sharks (not true freshwater sharks) can survive in saltwater or freshwater. Jacob Harper (National Aquarium) pointed out eyewitness accounts of sharks swimming up the Mississippi River and "bull sharks have kidneys that recycle salt" but did not mention the glands near their tails that help keep salt in their bodies. (00:08:08 - 00:29:50)

Factual error: While playing soccer in the background, Ali's "credentials" were displayed across the screen. Under "Academics", Ali is listed as "MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL HONORS SOCIETY" - but "Honors" should be singular ("Honor"). It is also odd to state "All 'A' honor roll." With a GPA of 4.3, something to the effect of "Highest Honors with Distinction" would be more likely. [It is possible to receive a "B" in an Advanced Placement course yet have a GPA above 4.0.]. (00:17:00)

Continuity mistake: The orange feather toy that was in the cat bed with the cat when Sam got to the bookstore was not there a couple camera shifts later. (00:25:33 - 00:26:25)

Continuity mistake: When Harry wrapped Lily's ankle injury, there was bloody wrapping below the duct tape. When Karl asked to see Lily's leg, there was no blood showing on the material below the tape. Also, Harry did not completely cover the ankle injury with duct tape like he did to keep creatures from smelling the blood on Lily's stomach cut, questioning why the creatures could not smell the blood on Lily's ankle. (00:19:55 - 00:26:50)

Continuity mistake: Although Adeline has her mouth to the ground (eating grass), her head is suddenly upright and still in a few views of Kay or Terry. The most noticeable sudden change in Adeline's head being upright occurs right after Adam hugs her. (00:34:34 - 00:35:00)

Continuity mistake: Jail cells have a rectangular slot with an outward flat extension for setting down food trays. The guard checks cells after "lights out" and there are no flat extensions for trays. (00:23:50 - 00:24:35)

Continuity mistake: The wall clock, after staying at around 10:12, jumps 4 minutes (to 10:16) in less than 20 seconds. (00:01:05)

Visible crew/equipment: When the drug dealer first sit with the chief you can see the cameraman in the window behind them filming.

Continuity mistake: Marge had her left hand on a Win Fall ticket that (supposedly) was coming out of the printer on the side of the machine. Marge moved her hand away without removing the ticket. When the camera shifted, the ticket was not there. (00:54:10)
Other mistake: This TV-movie is set in 1934. At the county fair where a pie judging contest is about to take place, a sign reads, "Entrants...Please leave your name on the pie." The sign uses a computer-printed font.

Revealing mistake: There's something odd about the chair that is (or is not?) to the right of Monsignor Kelly when Stu goes into his office to talk. Only part of the back of the chair can be seen and it is not directly in front of the Monsignor, but there is not enough room for the seat part to be there (otherwise, the Monsignor could not be standing where he is). Without any indication that the Monsignor or chair moved, the Monsignor is later able to rest his right hand on the chair's back. (01:13:57 - 01:14:37)

Factual error: Twice during the movie, streetlights are visible: once when lady Russell informs Anne of Wentworth's engagements, and once while Anne is running after Wentworth. (Streetlights, lit by gas, were indeed conceived during the regency period - but they were experimental curiosities, and certainly not yet installed nationwide).

Deliberate mistake: There isn't an accurately-positioned light source bright or close enough that can project striped lines - especially that wide - across Rockit's face while he is lying in bed. (00:07:00)

Continuity mistake: Riley puts the red hard-covered book and two others into the box, but puts the same books into the box when Gabby starts to help. (00:13:35)

Continuity mistake: During their first encounter (the first we see in the movie, at least), Sheila sits next to Gary, and they both order Old Fashioned. Phil the Bartender makes a comment on that, and she shoos him off. Look at Kaley Cuoco 's bag; one of the straps keeps going on/off the top of the bag between shots. (00:03:30)

Continuity mistake: The top of Brecken's head was close to (within a few inches of) the headboard before his mother brought the pillow. When his mother put the pillow over his face and the camera shifted to a right-side rear view, the upper part of the bed was raised about 45°. When Lang Dotrice (Brecken's father) arrived and sat on his bed, the pillow used to smother Brecken was at least a foot away from the headboard and Brecken's head (still under the pillow) was about a yard away from the headboard. (00:04:05 - 00:07:16)