Rear Admiral: The end is inevitable, Maverick. Your kind is headed for extinction.
Maverick: Maybe so, sir. But not today.

Wanda Maximoff: You break the rules and become a hero. I do it and I become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair.

Thor: We will return with children. Many children! And then we will feast! Not on the children. We do not do that any more. Those were dark times. Shameful times.

Waymond Wang: So, even though you have broken my heart yet again, I wanted to say, in another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you.

Edward Nashton: If you are justice, please do not lie / What is the price for your blind eye?

Black Adam: I have a knack for destroying bullies. But there are some who think I need help: Hawkman, Dr Fate, and their new recruits Cyclone and Atom Smasher. They call themselves the Justice Society, an organization that believes in fighting for truth and justice. Well, I'm going to teach them, the only beliefs I fight for are mine. Welcome to truth, justice and the Black Adam way.

Danny Sharp: You are all gonna have the greatest story to tell at dinner tonight.

Ramonda: I am Queen of the most powerful nation in the world! And my entire family is gone! Have I not given everything?

Cyrus: But it's not always if you hurt, but who you hurt. Nemesis always punched up. I was about your age when he died. He was my hero. Nemesis humbled the proud, gave people a beating who needed a beating. To people around here, Nemesis was a god. Samaritan, just another cop to protect the rich while the rest of us went hungry.

Abnesti: The time to worry about crossing lines was... a lot of lines ago.