Stupidity: Shriek is being taken to a new facility for superbeings, after a medical exam established that her sonic powers that she has been using since she was a kid are too strong to keep her at the correction house. So "naturally" for this transport she is not gagged, sedated, not even bound, and there's just one guy with her, not even wearing earplugs. It couldn't possibly be any more comically unsafe.

Stupidity: A major effort is put in the future to develop the time portal, so they can recruit people from the past to help fight the war in the future. Yet they never seem to think to share anything with the past about the creatures and how to kill them or find out where they came from so the can help either prevent it from happening or help save the future before humanity is wiped out. Muri does recruit Dan for this purpose but it seems wasted to only use 1 person for this much more important goal.

Stupidity: While Tommy and Snake Eyes are trying to escape the docks in the truck, the Yakuza men surround the truck and stab over a dozen swords in all parts of the cab. Not one of the men ever thinks to use their sword to slash the tires, allowing the heroes to make an easy escape.

Stupidity: In the opening scene with the military convoy, the two soldiers in the lead vehicle never notice the car veer into their lane, even though their faces are bathed in bright light from the car's headlights. They simply ignore it and keep talking to one another.

Stupidity: Liv and her five friends went to Willy's to set it on fire, but Liv insisted they first go inside to get the Janitor out. All were aware of the situation and danger related to the mass murderer and the animatronics, but Bobby and Kathy went into another room to "hook up." Kathy recognized the room as the one where the killers committed suicide and later saw movement, but she continued having sex with Bobby until he was attacked and killed. (00:38:48 - 00:42:02)

Stupidity: After the fight in the woods Bond walks back a long way, instead of driving the Toyota he had left in the forest in full working order.
Suggested correction: The Toyota has had a major chase over very rough terrain, it may no longer be operable.
It was operating fine when they stopped it in the middle of the forest.

Stupidity: Peter and Amanda were wealthy enough to buy the 11th floor penthouse for $579,000 but had no security cameras. Also, Det. Martinez never thought to check surveillance cameras outside the Wright's penthouse; surely cameras were around and/or the Detective could have questioned neighbors if anyone saw Charles near the penthouses or with the Wright's dog Humphrey. Peter or the detective could have gone near Charles' boat without a warrant and called Humphrey to see if the dog barked in response.

Stupidity: When the thunder/lightning starts, Hannah correctly tells Connor "We gotta get downhill." Then she tells him to run and stop, plus shows him to crouch down. Granted, they needed to act fast, but her instructions were poor for someone supposed to be trained in safety. Crouching should not entail placing one leg from the knee down onto the ground - only the balls of the feet should touch the ground and the heels should be together. She didn't tell him NOT to lie down, but he was when he fell. (00:53:14)

Stupidity: Right before the movie's final battle, Sub-Zero taunts Cole with his wife's necklace and makes him chase him into a portal. Sonya was right next to Cole, and she did not come along with him. They had previously planned to take on Sub-Zero together, but apparently she just left him to chase Sub-Zero alone to an unknown location.

Stupidity: The location of the small hole near the bottom of the wood-trimmed wall where Everette passed Sharyn a note and pencil would have taken much more time and effort to accomplish compared to merely penetrating the wall a little higher (where there would not have been wood trimming/baseboard on both sides). (00:10:00)

Stupidity: Two things: 1. I find it inconceivable that there is only one Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDMA) and no spares for a two-year mission. 2. The crew has 20 days to fix an oxygen problem. The commander decides on a 10-day window. 5 days into that window they try to load oxygen from the Kingfisher spacecraft. One is lost into space. Zoe decides to go and fill the other one in the midst of a solar storm that will only last hours. Why take that chance? A few hours wait is still quite possible.

Stupidity: Jimmy parked his truck on the side of the road with woods running parallel and starting about 10' away. Jimmy moved to the passenger side so the Sheriff could sit in the driver's seat (for no apparent reason). After Jimmy threw the "white powder" into the Sheriff's face, he quickly got out of the truck and ran straight ahead on the road instead of ducking into the nearby woods. The Sheriff had a clear and easy shot to hit and kill Jimmy. Also, Jimmy should have been much further away. (00:11:51 - 00:12:21)

Stupidity: Patrick told Dwayne to get Cisneros to kill Zara, apparently because he believed Cisneros could get the job done. Cisneros went into Zara's house with his gun ready to shoot, but not before pinpointing Zara's location. He saw the refrigerator door open yet entered the room without looking left and right (behind the door); Zara was able to disarm him. Zara was also able to escape Cisneros' repeated crazy swings at her with a samurai sword. Zara fatally "sliced" his neck with a pizza cutter. (00:21:44 - 00:23:07)

Stupidity: Dahlia, fleeing her husband, asks Parker, "Well, where we [her and daughter Ashley] gonna go?" Parker replies, "I know a place where you can go" and takes them to Marcus' house, parking his car there. (Mikey and Louis are looking for his car and find it.) Parker, though recently fired, is/was a social worker. Social workers are among the professions that have the greatest awareness of available community resources. Parker should have taken them to a shelter or other safe place. (01:06:04)

Stupidity: Patrizia Reggiani is no rocket scientist in this movie, but it's quite bizarre that calling the fortune-teller she sees on TV, with her name written in giant letters in two different spots on screen, she asks her "What's your name?" It makes sense for the international audience who may not recognize the word "Pina" as a name, but an Italian wouldn't have any doubt. (00:41:05)

Stupidity: Ben is standing behind Marley with a gun to her head as protection against Aaron, who is pointing a gun at him. Aaron shoots Marley and Ben just stands there, first looking at Marley on the ground then looking at Aaron (standing about ten feet away). Aaron screams and shoots Ben in the abdomen. After Ben falls, Aaron shoots three more rounds at him but misses. Ben is also able to stand and walk around despite his abdominal wound. (01:17:30 - 01:20:40)