Jo: You cut me.
Dylan 'D' Forrester: I needed a scream.
Jo: What's wrong with you?

Jimmy Crystal: Hey, One last thing. Don't you ever do nothing to make me look bad! You got that?
Buster Moon: Oh, I will never let that happen, sir!
Jimmy Crystal: You better not or I'll throw you off the roof!

Moggy: Understood, but we've scorched the earth.
H: No, it's not understood. You started by saying you'd do anything, but what I'm hearing is you think you've done everything.
Mike: Understood.

Massimo Marcovaldo: You two are coming with me.
Alberto Scorfano: Which knife do I get? Huh? Huh?
Massimo Marcovaldo: You don't.

Jim: I don't scare easy.

Kate Dibiasky: We have exactly six months, ten days, two hours, 11 minutes and 41 seconds, until a comet twice the size of Chicxulub tears through our atmosphere and extincts all life on Earth.
Dr. Randall Mindy: When did you do those calculations?
Kate Dibiasky: I put the moment of impact on a diet app. So, impact is when my diet ends. Only I'm not on a diet. I'm just crying five times a day.

Desi Arnaz: We've been through worse than this.
Lucille Ball: We have?
Desi Arnaz: No.

Nolan Booth: This whole time you were working for her?
John Hartley: Not for, with. Like partners.
The Bishop: Yeah, we're both The Bishop. Surprise.
John Hartley: There are two bishops in chess.
The Bishop: And a whole lotta pawns.

Father Hagan: When God builds a church, the devil builds a chapel next door.
Gerry Fenn: I never thought that I would hear a Catholic priest quote Martin Luther.

Colonel Muri Forester: Nothing about this for me is sentimental. I didn't in any way bring you here because I wanted to spend time with my father. I brought you here for a reason.

Yuri: There are people in this world who have a lot of money, and sometimes that money needs to go somewhere else then come back again.They just need to pay taxes somewhere. Investing in small business let's them cut that tax in half. You'd be surprised how many people ask if they can invest in my businesses sight unseen. "Here's the money, have it back to me by such and such a time." It's completely legal. There are people, people we know, who still think the best way to make money is get one over on the government. It's Old World thinking. (00:23:50)