Vizier Maghreb: A Sultan leads and punishes as needed. Only a man can know these things.
Shahzadi: A real man doesn't need a genie to accomplish them!
Vizier Maghreb: Perhaps, but it helps.
Major Harry Smith: There's a thousand ways to die in a war zone.
Thomas Wake: Why'd ya spill yer beans?
Gideon Brodess: Daddy warned me, "Boy, having a favorite slave is like having a favorite pig. You can feed it, play with it, give it a name, but one day you might have to eat it or sell it. You know it, and the pig knows it. If you have to sell it, there's no more guilt than separating piglets. And if you have to eat it, you'll forget its name." I hope one day I forget yours.
Molly Patel: You love me.
Katherine Newbury: No, I didn't say that.
Molly Patel: I mean not in those exact words but.
Katherine Newbury: No, I didn't say it in any of those words.
April Williams: ...and now you're.
Little Jordan Sanders: Little.
Marie Curie: The things that make us weak are the things that make us strong.
Pierre Curie: I didn't make you weak.
Marie Curie: Of course you did. But couldn't have done what we did without each other.
Dane Faucheux: I thought you were writing about Nicole.
Matt Teague: So did I.
Joyce Smith: Now's not a good time.
Pastor Jason Noble: I know... that's why I'm here.
Norval Greenwood: Semen contains more protein and nutrients than an ear.
Will: I'm tired of living without really living. I'm tired of wanting things. We can't have a lot of things. But we could have this.
Luce Edgar: When I first met my mother, she couldn't pronounce my name. My father suggested that they rename me. They picked Luce, which means light.