One: I feel like a Jedi.

Joker: You know, it's funny. This reminds me of a joke. See, there were two guys locked in a lunatic asylum and one night... one night, they decided they didn't like that anymore. They decided to escape. So, they made it up to the roof and there, just across this narrow gap, they see rooftops, stretching across town, stretching to freedom. Now, the first guy, he jumps right across, no problem. But his friend, oh, no way, he's afraid of falling. So, the first guy has an idea. He says, "Hey, I got this flashlight with me. I'll shine it across the gap between the buildings and you can walk across the beam and join me." But the second guy says, "What do you think I am, crazy? You'll just turn it off when I'm halfway across!"

Sensei: If a bear's forest catches on fire, the bear is still a bear. Even if a boat capsizes in rough seas and sinks to the bottom of the ocean with no survivors, it is still a boat.

Batman: This is not the time for pizza.
Michelangelo: I totally don't understand any of that sentence.

Dani Ramos: How do we win?
Grace: We win... by keeping you alive.

Chaplain: Those slabs ain't for travel, they opened up a portal to Hell for those things to come through.
Dr. Malcolm Betruger: Don't be ridiculous, this was just a setback.
Private Carley Corbin: Did you just call what happened today a setback?
Dr. Malcolm Betruger: My business is saving humanity. A handful of lives lost is tragic, but yes... a setback.

Rambo: I finally came home, to defend the only family I've ever known. But all she's got is me. She's coming home.

Brian McCaffrey: Maybe if you bit your tongue every once in a while, your career dissipation light wouldn't be flashing right now.

Gideon Brodess: Daddy warned me, "Boy, having a favorite slave is like having a favorite pig. You can feed it, play with it, give it a name, but one day you might have to eat it or sell it. You know it, and the pig knows it. If you have to sell it, there's no more guilt than separating piglets. And if you have to eat it, you'll forget its name." I hope one day I forget yours.

The Eradicator: Surrender Luthor over to Superman and this ends.
Cyborg Superman: That's enough. We may see it differently, but in the eyes of the law Lex Luthor is not a criminal. The rule of law is a rule you never break. And real justice is everyone's right. Even the worst among us.
Lex Luthor: Now, who the hell are you?
Cyborg Superman: I'm Superman.
The Eradicator: There is only one Superman.

Nick Spitz: You're an actress, right?
Grace Ballard: All women are actresses, dear. I'm just clever enough to get paid for it.

Tom 'Redfly' Davis: It's like they take your best 20 years and then spit you out.