Best adventure movie continuity mistakes of 2018

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More Black Panther continuity mistakes
Ralph Breaks the Internet picture

Continuity mistake: When the girl gives Litwak her phone to show him there is a replacement part on eBay, her phones shows that it is connected to WiFi. Litwak doesn't set up his router until later that evening, he has only plugged it in. (00:09:41)

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Suggested correction: It's possible she's either connected to wifi at another nearby business, using a public wifi signal, or using a friend's phone as a hotspot.


More Ralph Breaks the Internet continuity mistakes
Aquaman picture

Continuity mistake: When Black Manta gets the gold coins from the Atlantians the bag falls in front of him but in the next shot the bag is behind his feet.


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Deadpool 2 picture

Continuity mistake: Near the start when Wade and Vanessa are discussing families, in most shots facing her she's got her thumb lying along his jawline, but in most shots facing him it's sticking up by his ear.

Jon Sandys

More Deadpool 2 continuity mistakes
Avengers: Infinity War picture

Continuity mistake: On the spaceship, Peter is talking to Tony, and has his hair swept back with gel or similar. When he says "You can't be a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man if there's no neighbourhood", we cut to Tony then back, and Peter now has a fringe with no gel. In later shots it's back how it was before.

More Avengers: Infinity War continuity mistakes
Mission: Impossible - Fallout picture

Continuity mistake: During the getaway in the 4-door olive-green BMW, in one shot, the driver's headrest is bent forward; in the next shot, it is shown back in the straight-up position.

More Mission: Impossible - Fallout continuity mistakes
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom picture Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Ken Wheatley is pointing his tranquilizer gun at Zia after he shot Owen, he puts the gun in his left hand and uses his right hand to wave his men down, but mid wave, the camera cuts to a different angle and he is waving with his left hand while holding the gun in his right hand. (00:30:00)

More Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom continuity mistakes
The Christmas Chronicles picture

Continuity mistake: When Kate is hanging on to the sleigh as it takes off she is holding on with one hand. Camera changes and now she is holding on with both.


More The Christmas Chronicles continuity mistakes
A Wrinkle in Time picture

Continuity mistake: Meg starts the trip wearing a red flannel shirt over a blue cardigan over a gray T-shirt. Along the way she first drops the flannel shirt, then the cardigan (the color of which seemed to have gained saturation). She's not seen carrying them or any bag that might have held them. When she finally faces It, all the clothes are back on. Calvin's case is even more evident: he starts with a jacket over a red shirt, ends up with a just a now-gray T-shirt (matching Meg's) but is back with jacket and red shirt at the end.

More A Wrinkle in Time continuity mistakes
Alpha picture

Continuity mistake: As Keda is tumbling down the face of the cliff, he smacks against a small ledge on his way down before hitting a second ledge and then landing on a third. But as the camera goes down the face of the cliff from the top of it, the two ledges he hit on the way down are gone, showing a mostly flat face. (00:28:20)

Quantom X

More Alpha continuity mistakes
Ant-Man and the Wasp picture

Continuity mistake: At the school, when Scott's suit is malfunctioning and he's big in the janitor's closet, his head is tilted towards his right shoulder. When Hope is working on the suit, we see Scott's head is now tilted towards his left shoulder, even though he's stuck and wouldn't have been able to move around like that. But in the next shot it's back to his right.


More Ant-Man and the Wasp continuity mistakes
Johnny English Strikes Again picture

Continuity mistake: When English, Bough and his wife are looking at Garroch Castle from the submarine, Bough's wife says to English, "Jeremy has always spoken very highly of you." However, in the first Johnny English film, it was established that Bough's first name is Angus.

More Johnny English Strikes Again continuity mistakes
Tomb Raider picture

Continuity mistake: As Lara is headed up to the boat's pilot house, she obviously leaves the hatch open, but a far away shot shows the door closed again, as she's climbing the ladder. When she goes back down, it's suddenly open again. You could claim it's the rocking of the boat, but as she's grabbing her gear, the door stays open.

More Tomb Raider continuity mistakes
Annihilation picture

Continuity mistake: When she is painting the wall and stops to go and hug him, in different shots during the hug the amount of white she has painted lessens, and has a different pattern. (00:07:45)

More Annihilation continuity mistakes
More Peter Rabbit continuity mistakes
More Pacific Rim Uprising continuity mistakes
More Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse continuity mistakes
More Show Dogs continuity mistakes
More Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween continuity mistakes
Ready Player One picture Ready Player One mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Right in the beginning, Wade hops out a window from his home and starts walking beside it to the edge to climb to the next level down. As he starts walking he passes by another window with a curtain. It then cuts to a closer angle and suddenly the window no longer has a curtain. Also a wire appears on the wall in front of him. And you can tell it is the same house, not a time jump, as the rust at the top of the window frame is exactly the same. (00:01:15)

Quantom X

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