A Solar Calculator, a Game Ball, and a Cheerleader's Bosom - S1-E5
Factual error: In this episode we see George throwing a ball against his bedroom wall. On the wall is a picture of Axl Rose wearing shorts in the pattern of the USA flag. This photo is from the Guns N' Roses appearance at Rock In Rio 2 festival in Jan 1991. The show is set in 1989. 2 years prior to the photo the poster is made from is taken.

Factual error: The briefer on the oil platform mission says the platform is 12 stories, and 80 million square feet. Doing the math, that makes it half a mile per side if completely square. It is nowhere near that size as shown. The largest oil rig in the world - Berkut in Russia's Far East - has a combined deck area of only 342,000 square feet. (00:13:35)

Factual error: In the opening sequence when Maddie is supposedly driving from Michigan through Ohio and back to Pennsylvania, you can very briefly spot the reflection of a "TD Canada Trust" in the car window. This is because the show is actually shot in Vancouver. In the United States the company is simply known as "TD Bank", which doesn't operate any branches in either Michigan or Ohio. (00:01:55)

Episode #1.7 - S1-E7
Factual error: Lorna uses the word 'okay'. The first recorded usage of this word in America was not until 1839 and in Britain not until the 20th century. The series is set in 1814 and generally uses language contemporary to its setting.

Factual error: Science Officer Tilly calls the planet Trill a "very big" planet. It has an area of 500 million square kilometers. But that is not so large a planet. The Earth has an area of 510,100,000 square kilometers. So Trill is slightly smaller than Earth. Not really a "very big" planet.

The Disappointment of the Dionne Quintuplets - S1-E4
Factual error: When Midge is moving to her parents' apartment there is a stack of books on the table while her son is watching TV. On top is a Nancy Drew book (the back of the book which is yellow). However publisher didn't introduce the editions with the yellow back covers until the 1960s.

Factual error: In several different episodes characters are escaping on foot to Canada, as evidenced by Ontario license plates. But the show is set in New England, and the only way to get to Ontario through the Eastern United States is by crossing a major body of water: The St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario, The Niagara River, or Lake Erie. You can't walk there.

Factual error: The show has a BMW X5 (2007 - 2012) appearing when the media goes to the brother's house. (00:27:50)

Episode #2.1 - S2-E1
Factual error: Season 2 is set in 1979. Bill Tench and his wife are leaving the church and going to their car. Behind their car is parked a 1981 Chevrolet Celebrity.

Factual error: In season 1, there is an Egyptian woman wearing ornate jewellery around her head. Unfortunately, at least 3 components are old UK currency coins from the latter half of the 20th century. Clearly visible are copper 2p pieces and one old silver 10p coin. (00:38:40)

Factual error: In the disturbing assault scene, after having his head smashed into a mirror and banged against the sink multiple times, there is no way Tyler would be conscious for the rest of the scene.

Episode #4.9 - S4-E9
Factual error: Renate escapes from the prison in a Morris Ten Four, with the badge visible on the bonnet. However, this designation was not introduced until 1935 and the episode is set in 1931.

Episode #1.3 - S1-E3
Factual error: Billy is called up into a specific unit of the Royal Artillery. This didn't happen. He would first have been sent to a Royal Artillery training depot and only after training would he have been assigned to a unit.

Factual error: The judge rules in favor of Wendy's father despite not hearing any testimony from his primary witness, who fails to appear. The judge states on the record that he is making this ruling because of the Byrdes' "reputation" rather than any testimony. This is absolutely ludicrous. A judge is not allowed to make a ruling on a child custody case based entirely on his opinion of the litigants, which he doesn't even elaborate upon, rather than any evidence or testimony before him.

Factual error: In the last 2 episodes of series 2, when anyone uses a phone box it has the the BT Piper logo on the outside, which wasn't introduced until 1991 - six years after the series is set.

Factual error: Johann Eck is dressed as a cardinal and Albrecht von Brandenburg addresses him as "Your Eminence" and kisses his ring. In reality, Eck was not a cardinal. Albrecht, however, was. It should be Eck showing deference to him, not vice versa. Albrecht was also only thirty, half the age of the actor playing him.

Factual error: DI Renton is a Metropolitan Police officer 'parachuted' into Kent to solve a big case. This hasn't happened for many decades. Local police forces investigate their own crimes without help from the Met.

Factual error: ACC Pat Gallan wears the ribbon of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. The medal was issued in 2012. Her medals would be correct for 2017 when the series was made, but not 2007 when it is set.

Episode #1.2 - S1-E2
Factual error: The settlers prepare to burn Verity at the stake as a witch. Witches were never burned in England or her colonies; they were hanged.

Factual error: Every Time the Shadow Raiders deploy to Somalia, they use a Blackhawk nicknamed "Adele" for their missions. I can understand the helos being transported via fixed-wing aircraft, but on their last mission they leave Georgia, and reach Somalia the same day, flying in the Blackhawks. It would take them some 15-20 hours not including fuel stops. Yet the mission is completed in the time it takes to find a bomb in downtown Atlanta.