Peter Carpenter: Sheila.
Sheila: Hello, Peter. Hank.
Henry Carpenter: It's actually Henry. I think you'd be able to retain at least one simple name somewhere beyond that haircut.
Sheila: Nice goggles. They go well with your misshapen head.

Playboy Interviewer: It's been reported that you're the first man in history with a fortune in excess of a billion dollars.
J. Paul Getty: I have no idea. But, if you can count your money you're not a billionaire.

Esti Kuperman: Oh, Ronit.
Ronit Krushka: Esti... When I saw you, I.
Esti Kuperman: Yes, me too.

Charlie Bucktin: Courage is resistance to fear, not absence of fear.

Eamon Bailey: Knowing is good, but knowing everything is better.

Daphne Milne: You know what writing a book against war is like? It's like writing a book against Wednesdays. Wednesdays... are a fact of life, and if you don't like them, you could just stay in bed, but you can't stop them because Wednesdays are coming and if today isn't actually a Wednesday it soon will be.

Joseph Kennedy: You'll never be great.

Lee Strobel: Lee Strobel - Okay God, you win.

Peter Turner: Has anyone ever told you that you look like Lauren Bacall when you smoke?
Gloria Grahame: Humphrey Bogart. And I didn't like it then either.

Dr. Matthews: You seem healthy to me.
Jeffrey Dahmer: What about what's on a patient's mind?

Katie: God, what have I done?

Susie Webster: Dad, no-one writes letters anymore.

Winston Churchill: I am choosing between trials and tribulations. Do stop adding to them.

Ben Bradlee: He says we can't, I say we can. There, you're caught up.

John Walcott: We do not write for the people who send people's kids to war. We write for the people whose kids get sent to war.

Erin: I can't believe they're sending us up in this. Is it even safe to fly?
Davis Mackie: Erin, relax. If I could take off in a Black Hawk under fire in Fallujah, I think I can handle a News Chopper 9 with a hangover.
Erin: Hangover?