Judge Foxman: This courthouse is located within spitting distance of Wall Street. I know this from my personal experience trying to spit at it. The men and women who work there will commit more serious crimes by lunchtime today than the defendant has committed in this indictment.
Molly Bloom: This is a true story, but except for my own, I've changed all the names and I've done my best to obscure identities for reasons that'll become clear.
Molly Bloom: You know what makes you feel okay about losing? Winning.
Molly Bloom: A survey was taken a few years ago that asked 300 professionals one question, "What's the worst thing that can happen in sports?" Some people answered losing a game 7, and other people said getting swept in the 4. Some people said it was missing the world cup, and some Brazilians said it was losing to Argentina. Not just in the world cup. Anytime, ever in any contest. But one person answered that the worst thing that can happen in sports is 4th place at the Olympics.
Molly Bloom: To whoever answered that the worst thing that can happen in sports is getting 4th place in the Olympics: Seriously? Fuck you.