Character mistake: Jim Sturgess uses a sentence that contains the word 'me'. He is corrected, being told that the word 'I' would have been correct. However, he was grammatically correct in his use of the word 'me'. The correction was in error.

Character mistake: When they are having the going away party for Paul, "leisure" is spelled wrong on the cake.

Character mistake: The story arc set on the Mole covers one week. The Highlanders attempt to refloat the beached trawler on the last day of that week. One of them confidently states that the tides are three-hourly. (The audience know this isn't true because we've seen a similar conversation between the Admiral and the Colonel.) At least some - if not all - of those Tommies have been on the beach all week. Have none of them have noticed that the tides are six-hourly?

Character mistake: It is highly unlikely that the recipient of Mr. Butler's application for the professorship position would not only call him so soon, but ask him to come to her office right away (where she would humiliate him for the things he wrote in his essay on "qualities that make me a good teacher"). Moreover, her failure to listen to Mr. Butler and give due consideration to his assertion that someone else actually wrote those offensive things showed poor judgment, especially since she knew the person who referred Mr. Butler and spoke highly of him. Someone tampering with his application would make more sense than believing that Mr. Butler actually wrote those things that criticized the very college he was applying to and boasted so much about himself. That Mr. Butler was not able to say more to make his point believable is also problematic. He is an English teacher, so should have the vocabulary and mastering of techniques to make a convincing argument, but he failed to defend himself.

Character mistake: While posing as Steve's driver, Sameer refers to him as a colonel. He is actually wearing captain's epaulettes.

Character mistake: Once Santino and Ares find John again in the hall of mirrors, John is fighting two of the grunt men that came in with Ares and kills them. Both of which had light assault rifles and weapons on them. John and Ares proceed to empty their pistols out at each other before she runs off with Santino. John then throws his empty pistol away and gets up to pursue his target unarmed and while limping. It is unreasonable to think that someone with his skill and training and experience would not take two seconds to reach down and pick up one of the guns dropped by the two men he just killed before chasing after his target, especially given the highly trained body guard with him accompanying his target. As well as probable encounters with more grunts. To add to this, he was seen doing just this moments before when he had limited ammo and each time he'd down a few enemies he would pick up one of their guns and continue. (01:41:30)

Character mistake: Chapman is wearing a gold oak leaf cluster insignia on his uniform which is the rank of Major. At the initial briefing he is introduced as Major, which is correct. Throughout the movie he is referred to as Captain, which is wrong.
Suggested correction: He is referred to by his name "Chapman"; it sounds close to "Captain."

Character mistake: Pete says that Terry Bradshaw's corvette is a '75 stingray. It is actually a 1981 or 1982. 1975 corvettes had a rear window that was perpendicular to the ground. 1978 and newer had a sloping rear window.

Character mistake: At the beginning of the film, the officer states that the kid taken was named Jeremy Jenner, when he was in fact named Darius Jenner.

Character mistake: On the map Barry writes Nicaragua and then crosses it out and says, "No, that's El Salvador." It's actually Honduras. (00:31:35)

Character mistake: Poirot identifies Prof. Hardman's revolver as a 1927 police-issue weapon due to its blued finish and chequered grips. In fact, these features were common in the widely-available civilian versions of the Colt 'Police Positive' revolver and not the least bit specific to police-issue weapons.

Character mistake: At the start Wonder Woman stops a terrorist attack in London, and one of the terrorists tells her the bomb will flatten 4 blocks. This must be true as she is using her lasso of truth. But she just throws the bomb through the roof window and it explodes without damaging anything. A bomb with that blast radius would still damage nearby buildings, whether it detonated in the air or on the ground.
Suggested correction: You are compelled to YOUR truth. He didn't build the bomb. He could have been wrong based on what he knew. Otherwise, why did the terrorists have to go through all that trouble to plant a bomb there if they could level 4 blocks just by planting it outside in the car.
Which is why it is labeled a character mistake, yes. You are right in your observation, but at the same time, the only truth the movie feeds us by exposition is that the bomb is supposed to have a certain power, and that is not true. Movies tend also to use this trope/trick a lot; the moment you throw a bomb at 'the last second', the explosion that was supposed to be uber-powerful is relatively harmless, even when the distance was not all that significant.
Depends on how high she threw the bomb. She can throw that thing high enough that it won't cause damage. Certainly if it's not as powerfull as the terrorist thought.

Character mistake: Toni Collette tells XXX that their plane has "Fuel tanks big enough to circumnavigate the globe three times without ever landing." The plane is a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, which while having remarkable tanks, can go for 5,200 nautical miles, around 10 thousand km, 1/4 of circumnavigating it once. Even if someone made a tank 'big enough' to back the bragging of the snotty CIA boss, it would weigh so much that it'd be impossible to take off (and consume a lot more fuel too), which is why you can refuel that plane in the air.

Character mistake: When Joan and Joe are first alone in their suite in Stockholm, Joe tells her he wasn't attracted to a woman. Joan says, "I could care less." There's no way a college-educated writer (married to a Nobel laureate in literature) would use that phrase. The correct phrase is "I couldn't care less."

Character mistake: When we see the relative positions Eddie and Johnny have, Eddie appears to be the one that should have done the signaling to the patrol car instead. (00:55:40)

Character mistake: This ship's computer, 'mother', says "declention" instead of "declination" when giving coordinates of the planet.

Character mistake: Namibia was said to be in West Africa. Namibia is in Southern Africa.

Character mistake: In the highlighted newspaper article entitled 'DeFeo Son Accused' about the killings, the first sentence of the article ends with two periods. Also, in the 3rd sentence, the word 'psychiatric' is spelled "psuchiatric" with a 'u' instead of a 'y'. (00:01:05)

Character mistake: King George VI got out of car in admiral's uniform without his cap and saluted another officer. RN officers do not salute without their caps.

Character mistake: Henry believed his call to the Saratoga County Help Line #1-518-555-0121 was not effective because Glenn's brother George was the Social Services Director. The genius failed to look above the county level and discover there's a STATEWIDE CPS number that he could have turned to #1-800-342-3720. A call to the State CPS hotline probably refers calls to the relevant county, but Henry could have used what he wrote in his notebook "Why Calling Child Protective Services is not a plausible option." (00:28:56 - 01:01:11)
Suggested correction: It isn't clear what number Henry called. He had the county number underlined on the brochure, so I assumed that was the number he called. However, I replayed that part and the person who answered said "Child Protective Services." There was another number above for "National Help Line for Victim Advocacy" 1-800-555-0199, but that's not the National Child Abuse Hotline.