Question: Ferdinand had his name since birth when he is being raised at the bull camp. But he is later adopted by Nina and Juan who also name him Ferdinand. How do they know that his name is Ferdinand? He was not wearing any identification tags and he couldn't speak to the humans to tell them this.

Question: At the very beginning of the film, young Henry boards the Flying Dutchman to speak to Will. When Will looks behind him, he sees the shadows of several crew member starting to make their way towards him and he suddenly gets frightened that the crew will see Henry. Why would he react this way? Since he's captain of the Flying Dutchman, if his men saw Henry, Will could order them to leave Henry alone.
Answer: He's probably worried that either the crew will attack or at very least frighten Henry. Or he just doesn't want Henry to see how horribly the curse can affect people.
But because Will is ferrying souls to the after life, like Davy Jones should have done for the full time, he was captain of the Dutchman. There is no curse that would make the men look like sea monsters. They only started to look like that because Jones denied his duties after 10 years of service, when Calipso didn't show up. So the crew would look like normal men, so Will being worried that Henry will be frightened by them, can't be the reason he started to panic.

Question: When Merlin stepped on the land mine, why didn't he just wait there until Eggsy and Harry completed the mission? Surely he could have just stood there, then later on they could have called in bomb experts or use Statesman resources to get him off that thing? Eggsy and Harry could have easily taken out those 5 guards.
Answer: At the time, these people only had a really short time to save the world. Merlin thought that, with the landmine, he could sacrifice himself along with many guards to save the world.

Question: After Toomes says to Peter "Really? Stark?" Did Liz say "so cool"?
Answer: Yes, we hear Liz say, "So cool" but since she's sitting behind Adrian we don't actually see her saying it.

Question: Maybe I blinked, or maybe they cut a scene. How did Kong get tangled up in chains while he was fighting the big one?
Answer: The chains are anchor chains from the ship wrecks that were there.

Question: Troops were sent to check out the mysterious toxic stuff in the centre of the space city but none returned (as mentioned by Clive Owen). Later it is discovered there is no toxicity. It seems extremely out of character for the pearls to have killed a whole unit of soldiers. This plot point was never explained. Were they killed by the pearls?
Answer: It is never answered, but it's safe to assume the commander has been killing the teams with his guard robots.
Thats nonsense because the commander didn't know the pearls were there so no reason to kill the teams. It was classified toxic because nobody returned, possibly incapacitated by the pearls to avoid discovery but not killed.

Question: Bruce Wayne tells Clark that in order to get back the foreclosed Kent family farm, he bought the bank that owned it. Why didn't he just buy the house directly? It was for sale.
Answer: Bruce Wayne is not only rich and powerful, he's also dangerously vindictive. If you cross him or his friends, he'll pull the rug out from under you, at best, and destroy you, at worst. At the end of "Batman vs Superman," Bruce Wayne realises how horribly wrong he was about Superman; he even feels a kinship because both of their mothers were named Martha, and he was finally able to "save Martha" (something that had haunted Bruce Wayne for his entire life). I'm thinking, once Bruce Wayne discovered that Martha Kent's house was foreclosed, he acted to not merely save the farm but to punish the bank that foreclosed it. So he bought the bank and probably ruined a few financial careers in the process, out of sheer vengeance.
Answer: It was partly done as a joke. But it seems less likely that Bruce would just buy his friend a farm. What most likely happened is Bruce bought the bank and then in essence cancelled the foreclosure, turning the Kent farm back to Martha. Then Martha would continue making her mortgage payments to the bank.
Answer: Like all billionaires, Bruce Wayne wants to make more money. It's much more lucrative to buy an entire bank, and the foreclosure would be cancelled at the same time.

Question: During the big battle between Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker (as a force projection), Luke appears with his blue lightsaber. While I assume that a force projection probably appear any way he wants, and he did choose to look younger, Luke had lost his blue lightsaber decades ago during his battle with Vader on Bespin Cloud City. He had already built a new green one by the time Return of the Jedi started, so why would he appear with the blue one? It should have immediately given away to Kylo that he was a force projection and not the real Luke.
Answer: He knew that his blue lightsaber still existed because Rey brought it to him. He chose to show the blue lightsaber because it belonged to Anakin and Kylo Ren was obsessed with it. He knew that Kylo Ren would be angry at Luke wielding a lightsaber that looked like Anakin's and that rage would help keep him distracted. Here is a quote from Rian Johnson regarding this: "He knows that Kylo's Achilles heel is his rage, and so that's why he kind of makes himself look younger, the way Kylo would've last seen him in their confrontation at the temple, and that's why he decided to bring Kylo's grandfather's lightsaber down there - the lightsaber that Kylo screamed at Rey, 'that's mine, that belongs to me.'"

Question: After finishing the game, did Spencer, Fridge, Bethany, and Martha still have detention or did changing the timeline prevent them from their punishment?
Answer: They still had detention. The only thing that changed was Alex. But since they had become such close friends, detention would hardly be a punishment for them anymore.
It seemed like they just simply walked out of detention. I mean, did they finish their detention or did they have to continue on a Saturday?
The movie doesn't explain. But regardless, it also really doesn't matter.
They probably didn't go back on Saturday. When they go back to school, Spencer acts like he hasn't spoken to Martha since their adventure, while Bethany says she's been texting Martha 'all weekend'.

Question: How does Rita get that green outfit and how is she bullet proof?
Answer: Rita was originally a part of Zordon's power rangers, and she was the green ranger of the team, so she would still have it. Rita may have magical abilities that would explain how she was unable to be harmed from bullets. Either that or her suit is bullet proof.

Question: Given there's only a few months between this movie and the previous one, that means it's set around 2014 vs. Infinity War being set in 2018, as best anyone can figure. Is there any official word on what the Guardians are up to in the intervening 4 years?
Chosen answer: Short answer: Probably nothing much good. In all that time Quinn still felt like a reaver, and Rocket doesn't deny he likes crime. Only Gamora keeps them at bay from doing anything really nasty. In the mean time they try to do good things, protect planets, hunt pirates, stuff like that. It's a crazy bunch of individuals.
Answer: They're mercenaries, like we see with the Sovereign. They do good things for money. We see this with the Sovereign, and Quill's comments make this seem like this is normal. Later, Rocket makes a comment about raising their prices. In Infinity War, they only respond to the Asgardian distress call because they expect to be paid.

Question: In the end credit scene, K gives a cigarette to Jay, who has just gotten out of prison. Jay takes it, but instead of smoking it, he stubs it on the bottom of his own shoe and gives it back to K. Why is he doing so?
Chosen answer: It's a way of showing Jay is not a smoker and doesn't approve of smoking. He most likely sees it as something that is bad for people's health, so he stubs it out on his shoe to get rid of it and so that K cannot keep smoking it.

Question: How did Papillon, Diega and Marturette manage to sail to Colombia after their second escape attempt? Colombia is on the opposite side of South America from French Guiana/Devil's Island. It seems like they would have ended up in Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Curaçao or Aruba long before ending up in Colombia. I'm sure the book sheds light on this, but the movie completely glosses over it.
Answer: I discovered the answer to this by reading the book's plot synopsis on Wikipedia. The inmates actually sailed to Trinidad and then picked up three other inmates. They set sail again and were captured near the Colombian coastline when the wind died down. It would appear that in the interest of saving time, the movie chose to just have them appear in Colombia.

Question: If, as Odin says, Mjolnir was never the source of Thor's power, then how come that "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor"?
Answer: If other people are worthy, they can gain the power of Thor (this is something that has happened in the comics), but Thor can muster that power alone. In his case, the hammer simply allows him to focus his powers.
How come then that in the first movie when Odin wants to remove Thor's power he "confiscates" Mjolnir? If Thor's power is intrinsically inside him, how could Odin remove it? Then, he reacquire those powers only after holding Mjolnir again, which implies Thor's powers come from Mjolnir. This is poorly explained in the movies.
"Poorly explained" doesn't make it a mistake. Odin suppressed Thor's innate powers and removed the hammer both symbolically and to prevent Thor from using it to reacquire his powers.

Question: Isn't this film blatantly derivative of Guillermo del Toro's earlier films, "HellBoy" and "HellBoy: The Golden Army"? It seems to me that the Asset in "The Shape of Water" is a direct knock-off Abe Sapien from the Hellboy films. The amphibious Asset is held at a top secret facility, as was Abe Sapien; the Asset is fed hard-boiled eggs, as was Abe Sapien; the Asset develops a love interest and romantic relationship with a female air-breather, as did Abe Sapien. To top it off, del Toro called in contortionist-actor Doug Jones to play the Asset in "The Shape of Water" (Doug Jones also played Abe Sapien in the HellBoy films). "Shape of Water" could almost be a spin-off the old HellBoy films, given Guillermo del Toro's involvement and recycling of familiar themes.
Answer: There are a lot of Hellboy fans who speculate this is an origin story of Abe, or at the very least the Asset is the same species, but del Torro has denied it. Abe is a copyrighted character that del Torro's Hellboy was based on, and he doesn't own the copyright. In addition, prior to The Shape of Water, del Torro was in talks with Universal about remaking "The Creature from the Black Lagoon", only making the movie center on the creature's (Gill-Man) perspective and getting together with Kay (the female lead). Del Torro has stated that the Amphibious Man is based on Gill-Man and this film is what he had pitched to Universal, but was turned down by them. Although, a creature developing a love interest in a human female isn't unique, nor is capturing a creature to study (both happen to Gill-Man, Abe, and Amphibious Man). But the fact that Doug Jones plays both Abe and the Amphibious Man only seems to strengthen theories of some connection to Hellboy, but at this point we only have del Torro's word that it's not and why he choose the creature to be so similar at this point would only be a guess.

Question: How many injections does Jekyll need to take to prevent himself from turning into Hyde? The first time Jekyll speaks with Nick, he feels himself about to transform but takes a serum to prevent it but, later, when Jekyll's talking to Nick again, he feels himself about to change again and tries to take another injection.
Answer: As many as needed, Mr. Hyde was asserting himself, trying to take over. Like "Blade," he needed to take more and more injections of the serum, because the vampire blood was getting stronger and stronger.
Answer: It's a very common Hispanic name, so probably just a coincidence that Nina and Juan happened to name him that.
raywest ★