Audio problem: Anthony Hopkins is in his car with Cogman, discussing Pangea the super continent over the phone with John Turturro. There are two instances in this scene in which Anthony Hopkins' voice has been dubbed over by a different actor that does not sound like him. Anthony Hopkins first says "That's Pangea. The super continent." The scene then flashes back to the round table and the dubbed voice attempting to sound like Hopkins says "It's the same shape on the round table." The dubbed voice is heard again when he says "Genius", before reverting back to Anthony Hopkins immediately after when he says "Stonehenge."

Audio problem: There are American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) calling in the distance during the initial pursuit for Quan in the forest behind the Belfast farmhouse, right after the trap door scene ends and we see two of Hennessy's men share a look. American crows do not exist in Ireland - only hooded crows, carrion crows, rooks, ravens and choughs.

Audio problem: When Evie is helping Mal with her outfit for Cotillion, Mal is talking about all the events coming up and says, "I can't remember what a single one of them is", although you can see Dove Cameron mouth the word "are" instead.

Audio problem: Superman uses his heat vision against Cyborg that shot at him. Cyborg deflects it and the beam destroys a patrol car in the distance, that explodes in the background without a sound. (01:14:50)
Suggested correction: There is a sound of a small explosion. Considering the distance, and we're close to the heat ray grinding on his shield, it's pretty good sound editing. We should be hearing more of the shield anyway.

Audio problem: When Hawk says "Damn, I'm out of bullets!", Michael Bisping's lips don't move. (01:17:20)

Audio problem: When John and another bodyguard/hitman are walking in a crowded subway/train station, and they're shooting at each other with suppressed 9mm or 45 ACP handguns across swaths of people and the people not reacting is an absurdity. High caliber handguns meaning anything larger than a .22 still makes a loud noise when suppressed. People in a general vicinity could still hear a noise and a pop. The only truly silent handgun is a .22 and it still makes a noise when the slide reciprocates back and forth. (01:18:00 - 01:18:45)

Audio problem: As Logan tries to escape the numerous SUVs surrounding the old abandoned factory, you can hear a tire screeching sound as he is backing up his limo. However, he is driving on sand, not asphalt. (00:33:00)

Audio problem: When Caesar and his companions come over to the lone soldier by the huts, carrying firewood, he puts the wood down and grabs for his gun. The sound of automatic fire is heard as he is shot, but when Caesar (the shooter) comes into view, he is carrying a pump-action shotgun.

Audio problem: At the Democratic National Convention when the female secret service agent announces that there is an active shooter, before firing her weapon, her audio briefly switches to sounding as if it were coming through as a PA announcement to the arena. Even though she's speaking into her walkie-talkie.

Audio problem: After Adam and Noah finish talking about Chester Hills, the movie shows a few shots of the desolate land and bad conditions. One shot is a close up of a decaying dead cow, and in this shot you hear the loud sounds of flies and bugs swarming it as you'd expect on a dead animal. However it is just the added sound effect as there is not one single fly or insect visible. (00:09:35)

Audio problem: When Richard is running around the house trying to find Jen near the end, he is heard ferociously breathing and grunting. The breaths and grunts appear to have been dubbed in as Richard's facial and chest movements remain mostly still, which wouldn't happen if he was breathing and grunting that heavily. (01:41:10)