Best TV trivia of 2015

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Chicago Med picture

Guilty - S1-E12

Trivia: When looking at the ultrasound report for an infant patient, the names of the three consultant radiologists are Dr. Jane Doe, MD; Dr. John Doe, MD; and Dr. Dave Doe, MD. (00:20:11)

Kiwii Stone

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The Detour picture

Season 3 generally

Trivia: In Inkognito, Alaska (where the Parkers have fled to), an alpaca has been mayor for 15 years. This seems to be a reference to a real life situation where in Talkeetna, Alaska a cat named Stubbs was mayor. In real life, Talkeetna is unincorporated and just a historical district with no mayor, so Stubbs was just an honorary mayor. Stubbs was said to be a tourist attraction and in s03e03, "The Mark", it's said the alpaca mayor may have increased tourism by 4%.


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The Expanse picture

Nemesis Games - S5-E10

Trivia: On a board at a spaceport there are arrivals shown. One of the ships is the UNN Dorie Miller. The U.S. Navy named an aircraft carrier after Doris "Dorie" Miller, a Black mess attendant who heroically leapt into combat during Pearl Harbor. This was the first time an aircraft carrier was named for an African American, and the first time a sailor has been so honored for actions taken as an enlisted man. For his bravery, Miller was awarded the Navy Cross. A fitting tribute to Black History Month. (00:37:55)


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Humans picture

Trivia: Dr. Dae-Sun tells the TV interviewer that the Synths have "Asimov blocks" in their programming so they can not do us any harm. This is a reference to science fiction writer Isaac Asimov and his "3 laws of robotics."


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