Revealing mistake: As the gang drives up to the space-ship diner, cars are whizzing by in the background. When they are driving to the base there's also a clip of a fire truck going down the highway in the distance.

Single Point of Failure - S1-E2
Revealing mistake: Walter accesses code on the sick girl's laptop to trace the source of the virus - aside from the fact that the code comes straight up a fraction of a second after his hands even touch the keyboard, the code displayed in the black window is for a set of traffic lights, with lines like "Walk/Dont_Walk" and "Green_Arrow/Yellow_Slow." (00:08:10)

Revealing mistake: At the river to cross over to Mt Weather, the vine used to swing across the river is just a standard rope, camouflaged. You can see it best when Finn recovers it after Jasper has jumped.

Revealing mistake: When Harvey Bullock and Jim Gordon enter the apartment of the arsonists, as Bullock approaches the bodies, you can see one of the actor's eyes close, despite the fact he is supposed to dead. (00:20:10)

Unreal City - S2-E1
Revealing mistake: When Chandler and the others make it to the building where the bodies are being burned, the actor playing a corpse flips his hand over to hold onto the conveyor belt as he goes over the edge. (00:16:05)

Revealing mistake: The entire mobile phone network is supposedly down, yet in Grand Central we several times see a man chatting on his mobile.

Revealing mistake: When Chloe and Jack are in the car she is looking at the computer on her lap. The gear shift in the car is a automatic and it shows it being in park as they are driving. (01:20:10 - 01:20:55)

Revealing mistake: When Iris is sitting in bed recording the message for Barry, she is holding her iPhone so that the start button is on the left side, but the "video record" button appears on the right. Additionally, her right hand covers the speaker area of the phone fully, including the front facing camera. It is impossible for Iris to be recording the video live and reveals that the video footage was recorded ahead of time. The illusion that the video is being recorded by Iris live is further ruined by the fact that the room lighting is turned off in the scene, but the recording is well lit. (00:02:55)

Hard Boiled - S2-E2
Revealing mistake: The blood pack is obvious as Benedict Arnold is shot in the thigh.

Revealing mistake: In the forensics lab Carol Wilson is saying to others that the rat caught on the ship is healthy. In the ensuing conversation the respirators they are wearing are so ill fitting as to be pointless - Carol's mask does not even touch her nose. (00:26:00 - 00:27:00)

Episode #9.2 - S9-E2
Revealing mistake: Rose's newborn baby, Isabel, is suspiciously large and mature.

Young & Kiki - S5-E3
Revealing mistake: When Elliot "answers" his phone in the apartment you notice the phone hasn't actually been answered cause it shows the iPhone view of the slide to answer button. (00:03:50)

Revealing mistake: When John Tucker calls Bassam, you can see that he is not calling anyone, because the iPhone home screen is visible. (00:05:50)

Revealing mistake: The scene in the captain's quarters has water dripping from the ceiling. With the ship rocking from side to side, the water drops down perpendicular to the table the whole time, showing the scene is stationary and the camera is tilting. (00:14:00 - 00:14:35)