Other mistake: When Vlad is in the armory of the monastery, he is standing directly under sunlight. This should have caused his skin to burn immediately and give away that he's a vampire. (00:52:05)

Other mistake: After the shoot out at night the American forces are faced with a group of hostile locals, and the team are told to pull out and get in the vehicles. As they drive off we see a back shot of them sitting on the back of the one of the vehicles, but on the right hand side you can see a backpack and part of an American soldier, did they just leave him? (01:12:50)

Other mistake: When the blue van rolls over, and they turn around to go pick them up, they park like 20-30 feet from the van for no reason, instead of right by it, seemingly just to have a tree block their path, then decide to run into a church with really big stained glass window and wood pews while a fire tornado is just outside. Rolling the van back upright, all the TVs and equipment inside the van seem to be working just fine.

Other mistake: In the final scene both at the start when Fletcher is walking on stage and in a shot during "Caravan," just after Andrew mouths FU, when Fletcher puts a hand under his jacket the shot goes forward and then immediately shows the same footage in reverse. (01:27:55 - 01:32:45)

Other mistake: In the book Hazel is reading near the start of the film, the word 'to' is used 4 times in a row.

Other mistake: At end of movie where there are captions describing how the lives of everyone turned out, for Louie it says "after years of SERVERE PTSD..." instead of "severe." (02:10:25)

Other mistake: At the beginning, when one bad guy is sitting on a bench with a newspaper, we can read the date October 21, 1959 at the top. But, we also read Nov 3 1970 on the same page, under the mugshot of the Boss being released from jail. (00:04:20)

Other mistake: When Ethan shoots gas at the black SUV where the Italian accountant is, the two bodyguards faint instantly, Ethan wears a mask to avoid that, but the accountant never faints, and keeps awake and screaming all the time.

Other mistake: The sex tape was only filmed with one camera (on the iPad) however, when Jay and Annie watch the tape back together at the end of the movie, it is filmed from more than one angle in some parts.

Other mistake: The Tiger tank wouldn't have burst from cover after picking off one Sherman. Why would it when it could stay put and pick them off as they approach? Even in 1945 when recruits weren't always well trained, the German Wehrmacht didn't give Tigers to newbies. (01:17:10)

Other mistake: During the pub fight scene, the guy who got hit with the glass cup (Wound on his forehead), pulls a six shooter out of his pants, but he fires eight bullets at Harry's umbrella.

Other mistake: When Cade is fighting Savoy, Cade jams his thumb deep into Savoy's right eye socket. A moment later Savoy is seen with no right eye injury.

Other mistake: Will's rating increased by 5% because he saved Annie from being run over. A guy happened to be filming it happening and uploaded it online, but the uploaded footage is shot from two different angles.

Other mistake: When Stephen Hawking's life is played backwards and then rewinds at the end of the film, the sequence of his sudden illness at the concert and subsequent operation at the hospital are the wrong way round. It should show him having the operation, then winding back to his collapse at the concert, but the two events are in the wrong reverse order.

Other mistake: When Amy cuts Mr Collins' neck while they are having sex and Amy is underneath him, not a drop of blood falls on her hair. Before she climbs off the bed, we can see a ring around her neck, above it, no blood, and below it, buckets full of blood.

Other mistake: In the scene that Callaghan's daughter went into the portal, there is a track for the capsule to go into the first portal, but there was no track for the return portal.

Other mistake: Since the vacation was supposed to be for Dick, Jen and Dick's five kids, the hotel suite kids' room should have had five beds, not four.

Other mistake: At the end, when she's writing the email, she enters a subject line first, but then when we see a closeup of her clicking the "send" button, the window title says "untitled message." That would have been replaced by the subject when she wrote it.

Other mistake: The size of Dave's sub is too small for all the rooms it contains especially the cargo hold with hundreds of penguins and cages.

Other mistake: While Fin and the others are on the subway, it keeps cutting to show about 15 people waiting on the platform at Grand Central, and nearly every one of those extras are also seen as passengers aboard the 7 with Fin, in different subway cars.