Best movie mistakes of 2013

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Oculus picture

Character mistake: In the scene discussing the provenance of the mirror, the girl stated that Sherman marched to the sea in 1865. It was actually 1864.

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Absolute Deception picture

Factual error: When the protagonist is looking up the fingerprint (or fingertip...) data in the computer, he gets a match for a New York State Driver license. The document is a clear fake, with no document number (which in 2008 was on the front) and a 10 digits client ID number instead of 9 digits. (00:04:00)


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Hours picture

Continuity mistake: When Paul Walker bends down to see his wife's body, the clock reads 09:47, however in the next scene, the time stamp on the movie shows 09:30am. (00:13:00 - 00:13:40)

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Prince Avalanche picture

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the film you can hear a kettle whistling. But when Alvin removes a teapot (not a kettle) from the heat the whistling stops, but when he puts in back on the heat about 5 seconds later there is no whistle. Alvin doesn't remove a whistle cap or turn off the heat. (00:02:30)

Ian Antcliff 1323

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Cheap Thrills picture

Continuity mistake: When they are discussing whose pinkie gets cut off, Vince grabs Craig by the neck and pushes him against the refrigerator. Craig is first shown pushed against the right hand side of the refrigerator, but whenever the camera is on him for the rest of the scene, he is shown standing against the left hand side of the refrigerator.

Casual Person

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Afflicted picture

Revealing mistake: Before Derek punches the side of the wall, you can see the weakened area of the wall before impact. Look at the color difference.

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The Way Way Back picture

Continuity mistake: In the first scene, Duncan is sitting to the right side (if we are looking at him) of the back seat of the station wagon. When they are taking the luggage out of the car, there are now bags piled up in the seat on the right side.

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Suggested correction: Absolutely no telling how much time has passed between the two scenes. With them being on a road trip, they could have stopped for gas, food, bathroom breaks etc and moved the bags around at any time. Even Duncan could have just done it by himself mid-transit to make a little more room on the floor for his feet.


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Belle & Sebastian picture

Continuity mistake: During the first meeting between Sebastian and Belle, the dog drops the game far back on the hill, but the rest of the scene takes place with the dead hare right in front of the 'beast', on the edge of the rock. (00:10:10)


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More Zombie Massacre mistakes
Family Weekend picture Family Weekend mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Emily Smith-Dungy just kicked her bags in the snow. Her neighbour and schoolmate Kat drives by and offers her a ride home. Emily after initially rejecting her help accepts it; the trophy switches hands from the first quick shot to the next. Her scarf is also positioned differently. (00:08:40)


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Spud 2: The Madness Continues picture

Factual error: Just after Spud gets suspended from school, his mum is looking through a property catalogue of London homes. All the telephone numbers shown start with 020 7. The film is set in 1991, and inner London telephone numbers at that time started with 071, not changing to 020 7 until June 1999.

Neil Jones

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Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return picture

Continuity mistake: The Appraiser puts the condemned tape across Dorothy's wrecked porch. The tape from the bottom right to the upper left is the one in the front of the other diagonal line, but then it's the other way around. (00:07:30)


More Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return mistakes
Garage Sale Mystery picture

Continuity mistake: Jen unboxes the stuff she grabbed from the basement where she spotted the railroad tracks. She picks up a large vase which she shows to her business partner; the hand at the bottom is the vase is the left or the right one depending on the camera angle. (00:10:40)


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Metro Manila picture Metro Manila mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Oscar is on the phone to learn about the location of the job interview in the warehouse district, the paper that was on top of the payphone jumps suddenly in the hand that holds the receiver to his ear, with the phone call already being over. (00:22:25)


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The Underneath picture

Continuity mistake: The movie opens with a man walking with a dog by a body of water. He is holding the leash with his left hand and the dog is by his left side. Cut to the next shot taken from across the water, the leash is now in his right hand and the dog is on his right. (00:00:20)


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Ruby Red picture

Continuity mistake: When the awful cousin Charlotte hands Gwen the slice of unbirthday cake, she does it with her right hand, left hand, right hand. (00:04:20)


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30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo picture

Continuity mistake: When Aaron throws the umbrella down it turns inside out as it lands on the floor. A couple of shots later the umbrella can be seen from above and it has turned right side out.


More 30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo mistakes
Flying Monkeys picture

Character mistake: When Sheriff Flemings arrives at the gas station murder scene, Deputy Baldridge is already there taking photographs. The pair exchange a few words and Baldridge says he can't find the victims body. The pair then look up to see three of the flying monkeys noisily eating Mr Sites corpse on the roof of the gas station. Apparently Baldridge didn't notice this the whole time he was there. (01:03:19)

Jack Vaughan

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Evidence picture Evidence mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Radha Mitchell is giving a press release at the beginning of the movie. There are many microphones in front of her in rows. In the front row, from her left, are orange, black and blue microphones. In one shot from the front, another black microphone appears next to the blue one. (00:03:35)


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Belle picture

Factual error: Dido and her husband had 3 children, not two as stated at the end of the movie. Furthermore, she didn't received an inheritance worth 2,000 pounds a year from her father.


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