Question: Why is it necessary for Draco to confirm that the real Harry has been captured by the bounty hunters? Lucius and Bellatrix have each dealt with Harry before.
Answer: Lucius and Bellatrix were unable to confirm Harry's identity because Hermione had jinxed his face to disguise him just before the snatchers captured them. They are fairly certain it is Harry, but as Bellatrix says, if they summon Lord Voldemort, and they are wrong, he will kill them all. Of all the Death Eaters at Malfoy Hall, no one knows Harry better than Draco, having spent more time with him because they were schoolmates. Lucius and Bellatrix have to be absolutely sure that this is Harry Potter.

Question: What does Gru say to Miss Hattie in Spanish?
Chosen answer: "You have the face of a donkey."
Answer: "You have a face like a donkey."
Answer: What he says is "You look like an ass."

Question: If Bella is a "shield" and vampire powers can't affect her how did Jasper use his mood/mind control on her? It was Bella's birthday and they were at the school. Alice was inviting her to a party. After Bella says yes, she said "Jasper, no fair with the mind control thing."
Answer: Vampire abilities can't affect her mind. It's explained in the book that what Jasper does is physical. He loosens tense muscles and stimulates production of the appropriate hormones and helps the subject physically relax, thus stimulating a sympathetic mood change in his subjects.

Question: At the beginning of the movie, when Dean is asleep, Freddy holds a sharp knife to his throat and cuts it while in the real world it looks like Dean is doing it himself. When Kris falls asleep in class, she is trying to escape from Freddy but is forced into a chair in the back of the classroom. When she wakes up screaming why is she still in her own seat instead of a seat in the back of the class like in her nightmare?
Answer: It is not consistently portrayed throughout the series where victims will end up when attacked by Freddy. Some victims are shown running from Freddy down hallways and their dead bodies are found in their bed, others are shown "sleepwalking", and end up being found relative to where they were in the dream world. There doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason for this inconsistency.

Question: Is Gobber's line about trolls being real ("They steal your socks! But only the left ones.") a reference to Lilo and Stitch? When describing Stitch, Jumba says "He will be irresistibly drawn to large cities, where he will back up sewers, reverse street signs, and steal everyone's left shoe."?

Question: Why is it that everyone is in the exact same position at the gazebo when Alice left to follow McTwisp when Alice returns? Clearly, some time has passed while she was in Wonderland, so it's confusing how it would still be the same day at around the same time.
Answer: It could be time moves differently in Wonderland, than in the real world. In many time machine movies, the Hero goes off on his adventures, then returns as if no time has passed.

Question: How old is King Caspian meant to be in this movie?
Answer: He's suppose to be the same age as in the novels, so about 16. "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" takes place 3 years after "Prince Caspian", so 2306 (Narnia year). He was born 2290 (NY). However, since Caspian is around Peter's age, they chose an older actor to play Caspian to match William Moseley's age.

Question: Whenever Medusa looks at somebody, they are immediately turned to stone. How come she couldn't turn the Djinn to stone?

Question: When Josh is in the further looking for Dalton, what is the deal with the family that looks like mannequins and has the creepy smiles? Why does the one girl shoot the family? Is there any back story on it?
Answer: It's implied that the girl went crazy and killed her family, but it's not really elaborated on. They're just some of the many spirits to be trapped in and haunt the Further, likely due to the violent nature of their deaths.
Answer: They are just people trapped in the further after their terrible death. It would be nice to later find out the back story on them in a future film.

Question: Was there any reason given as to why many of the names (Aang, Sokka, Iroh, etc.) and the term "Agni-Kai" are pronounced differently than in the television series?
Answer: The TV show Americanized the pronunciations whereas the movie said them correctly.
The show is American, so with original characters you're allowed to say them how you want.

Question: When Abby comes in to slaughter the bullies, we only see what Owen is able to (not very much, since he's underwater.) There's something that looks like a lot of glass bits, and then something is dragged across the pool and the blood flow begins. But what was the thing being dragged?
Chosen answer: The thing that zooms across the water appears to be Abby herself - upon breaking the window, she beheads the boy holding Owen under the water almost immediately after she enters the pool room; her incredible speed makes it possible that she moved rapidly over the water without sinking below it.
Its one of the bullies upside down you can see if you pause at the right time or slow it down.

Question: Spoiler alert. When Dastan and Nizam are fighting over the knife stuck in the container holding the Sands of Time, it breaks free and they are both swept up, the scene then changing to Dastan back after he first discovers the dagger after the invasion of Alamut. He is aware of what happened in the previous time line obviously and acts to prevent the events from happening again. But what I am not clear on is how Nizam is acting at that point. Is he still aware of the previous time line? It's hard to tell by how he acts when Dastan confronts him. He was with Dastan when they went back in time to that point, but it was Dastan holding the dagger. So does that mean only Dastan knew what happened, or does Nizam remember it too?

Question: Gulliver's attempt at avoiding a fight with the Blefuscian at sea fails. He'd been surrounded and shot at. He grabs at the ropes coming from each ship's bow and drags them away. Now, why were there ropes coming from each of the ships, and how did they end up in front of him so that he could grab onto them?
Answer: Obviously, it's just a deliberate error in a fantasy film that is full of plot-holes and errors. They certainly aren't anchor lines, as the ships are actively involved in a military engagement (surrounding Gulliver). Also, no navy flotilla of sailing ships would have lines hanging loose at the bow or stern, particularly going into a military engagement. Rather, the lines would be coiled and neatly stowed on deck. In this case, the deliberate error permits Gulliver to tow away the Blefuscudian ships in just a matter of moments (even though Blefuscu is over a half-mile away by water).

Question: Did I miss something somewhere? What was so special about the baby that its birth would change everything?
Answer: It's entirely possible. Rapunzel has a similar face appearance to her mother's, and you could also count the family bond of simply knowing. She also has green eyes, which are uncommon, so the parents probably knew that she was unlikely an impostor.