Other mistake: In the morning after scene, when the three men are sitting at the dining table by the pool with the baby, watch the extras milling about behind them. The same two people pass behind them twice from the same direction just moments apart. A little later a woman in a swimsuit walks by behind two of the characters. After a few more lines of dialogue, she is still walking by behind another of the characters.

Other mistake: When Holmes searches for hidden door after St. Thomas' death he bumps the door and it moves before he knocks on the wall to find out which side seems to be a door.

Other mistake: When The Chipettes perform their audition for Ian Hawke they are standing on the Jett Records sign on the roof of the Jett Records building. In order for the sign to read correctly from the street, Ian and The Chipettes should have a backwards view of the lettering. In the movie the sign reads correctly from Ian and The Chipettes point of view, meaning that it is giving a backwards view to the street, ie. it is the wrong way round.

Other mistake: After the scene where we learn that the female with braids is named Sandra, her head explodes and Kable's face and hair are splattered with brain pieces, one second later he only has blood on his face.

Other mistake: Bowling score for Aram shows a 65 in the 4th frame. A strike would add 20 points to his score, which should be a 66 in the 4th. (01:01:37)

Other mistake: When Nick and Shawn are on the bus leaving the cheer camp, the old man in the seat behind them is mouthing their lines.

Other mistake: After killing his inmate, notice the blood on the inmate's neck is present in great amount. After camera changes, the blood is only on the shirt, the neck is clean with no holes nor coagulated blood. (00:51:00 - 00:51:45)

Other mistake: Charlotte's dad buys a newspaper in the beginning of the film. The same two paragraphs about Prince Naveen are repeated all over the front page, including under the headline 'Annual Goosenhoper State Gumbo Faire Is Smashing Success.' (00:08:45)

Other mistake: When Tinker Bell constructs a boat with the playing cards paddle wheel, she uses a clip and a rope to make sure the paddle wheel doesn't start turning. However the rope would only work at stopping the rotation if the wheel turned backwards. Since it turns forward, the rope shouldn't be able to stop the rotation.

Other mistake: Because of the way it works when making a mold, the engraving on the man's teeth would barely have been captured, yet they showed up sharp and clear when the mold was removed.

Other mistake: When Larry first enters the main storage room, he has to go by the guard Booth. A voice says "ID" then acknowledges that it's "Brundon, later dude". When it shows Larry from behind it shows a clear shot of the inside of the entire security room. It is completely empty. Did a ghost ask for the ID?
Suggested correction: While this could be a mistake, it could be an automatic scanner.

Other mistake: Near the end of the film Bobby Campo uses a long piece of wood to set off the sprinkler and put out the fire. This small flame activates the sprinkler, which wasn't activated by the huge pile of burning sawdust and chemicals.

Other mistake: When Ripcord flies the black jet toward the White House, he decides to ascend to the atmosphere to rid the craft of the nanomites. As he flies toward the lawn and up the air, he narrowly misses hitting the balcony, where an agent shields himself with his arms from the jet. At such a close distance and at that incredibly fast speed, the agent would have been pulled in by the jet's wake and thrown up in the air. (01:39:45)

Other mistake: During the scene in which Michael and SJ are singing and have a wreck, the "Passenger Airbag OFF" light is on. However, Michael is said to have stopped the airbag that wouldn't have deployed. Nothing is stated to show that it would have been faulty.

Other mistake: When Logan is talking to the old man in the barn, in the "This was my son's jacket, try it on" scene, he is sitting on the motorbike, and when he gets up, the bike doesn't move up on its suspension. A few seconds later, when he sits back down on the bike, the suspension sinks a lot due to the weight of his adamantium skeleton.

Other mistake: When Columbus is face-to-face with the clown zombie, he looks up at Wichita, who is on the ride, stuck at the top of the tower. Columbus looks almost straight up at her, but when Wichita looks to Columbus for help, she should look almost straight down, but instead she looks straight ahead. There is no other reason why she would have looked straight ahead because a) Columbus was directly below her, b) Little Rock and Tallahassee were to her right, and c) she almost perpetually had her eyes on the zombie climbing the tower towards her.

Other mistake: When Abby and Mike are making out in the elevator, the elevator door opens up to what seems like a board and then the shot goes back to them and back to the open elevator door with scenery outside the elevator.

Other mistake: In one of the beginning scenes, the time at the bottom says that it is 22:00, which means it would be 10pm in China. In the scene, it is bright daylight, not night time as it should be. (00:02:15)

Other mistake: In Volterra when Edward has his shirt off, his face and neck are a different color than the rest of his skin.

Other mistake: In a scene toward the end of the film, there is a shot showing a calendar with the month March 1998. It shows Friday as being the 13th (reference to Philip Morris' birthday), but Saturday appears as the 15th. Did the actual month of March, 1998 not contain the 14th?