Ebenezer Scrooge: What do you want with me?
Jacob Marley: You will be haunted by three spirits.
Ebenezer Scrooge: I'd rather not.
Janosh: We have all heard the stories. Look into his eyes! They are true! This place is cursed! They are no more human than the devils that invade our lands.
Viktor: If devils you call us, rest assured, better the devil you know.
Max: Did you make this?
Carol: Yeah, yeah.
Max: It's very good.
Carol: We were gonna make a whole world like this. But everyone used to come here, but you know... You know what it feels like when all your teeth are falling out really slowly and you don't realise and then you notice that, well, they're really far apart? And then one day... You don't have any teeth anymore.
Max: Yeah.
Carol: Well it was like that.
Tiana: There is no way I'm kissing a frog and eating a bug in the same day.
Edward Cullen: I love you. You're my only reason to stay alive... If that's what I am.
Susie Salmon: My name is Salmon, like the fish. First name, Susie. I was fourteen years old when I was murdered on December 6th,1973. I wasn't gone. I was alive in my own perfect world. But in my heart, I knew it wasn't perfect. My murderer still haunted me. My father had the pieces but he couldn't make them fit. I waited for justice but justice did not come.
Hermione Granger: She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the Chosen One.
Harry Potter: But I AM the Chosen One.
Anna McDoogles: I was just masturbating.
Mark Bellison: That... Makes me think of your vagina.
Allan Baxter: This is unacceptable. I want that commander on report.
US Sub Captain: That commander just saved your ass.
Allan Baxter: Should have done so in a more timely manner.
Dr. Parnassus: Percy, what would I do without you?
Percy: Get a midget.