Factual error: During the fight scene with Sandman in the armored car, the Terminal Tower can be seen in the background, which is a landmark in Cleveland, Ohio (where the scene was shot), not in New York City.

Factual error: The grenade Robert Neville uses at the end of the movie has a blue and brown colored lever. This feature is only used on the M69 practice grenade and not the real M67. The lethal grenade lever is completely green.

Factual error: Mikaela hot wires the tow truck by twisting two conveniently exposed and very long wires together. Allowing that this could work at all in a modern vehicle, it can't steer until the ignition lock is turned or removed, neither of which she does. (01:55:55)

Factual error: The uniform the female soldier is wearing when she comes back home is all wrong: the camo pattern is that of the USMC digital desert uniform but it has "US ARMY" chest tags (in a strange size and position, by the way). The US flag and unit insignia are on the wrong arms. The cut of the jacket is ACU, the pants are true USMC. (00:15:00)

Factual error: There is a scene near the beginning of the movie when the mist has just begun. A firetruck roars by, and has Caddo Parish Fire Dept. on the side. This movie is set in Maine. Louisiana is the only state with parishes. All others, including Maine, have counties. (00:10:50)

Factual error: There is a point where the children travel to their home to get some things. They travel to SOUTH London but as they near their home, look at Canary Wharf in the background! The positioning of the buildings show they are in the EAST towards Dagenham area.

Factual error: In Las Vegas Paris and The Vencian are not next to each other. They farther part then that. Next to Paris is Ballys. (00:53:10)

Factual error: When Wilbur tosses Lewis onto the time machine, he should have broken or hit the glass covering the back half. And he is on all fours when the machine becomes visible, which shows he would have had his face hitting the driver seat, yet he scrambles back into the passenger seat without a problem, then is seen barely leaning forward to talk to Wilbur in the future.

Factual error: Contrary to popular belief, a person won't freeze immediately in outer space, as depicted in the movie. Space may be cold, but it's also a great insulator and the biggest problem for astronauts is dissipating the heat generated in their bodies.

Factual error: When the wraiths first invade the stockade, one of the officers orders his men to fire their "rifles". This is the 16th century. They're firing muskets.

Factual error: Doomsday sees a little girl crying in the street and stops his assault on Superman to go attack the little girl. Superman quickly grabs Doomsday around the waist and jumps, rocketing them both up into space before Doomsday can crush her. The shockwave of this jump is seen as the tremendous force causes the street they were standing on to break apart and rubble fly. Yet the little girl is completely unaffected by the shockwave, it passes right through her and she is only feet away from the crater now left from Superman jumping up with Doomsday. (00:25:20)

Factual error: The Human Torch chases the Silver Surfer into the Lincoln Tunnel at 29:35; the entrance shown is on the New Jersey side of the Hudson River (although they had just been in Manhattan seconds before, they were airborne and could have gotten there from the sky). When they collectively exit the tunnel at 30:01, they are still on the New Jersey side, as evidenced by the toll booth clerk who witnesses their flyby. While both the entrance and exit scenes are physically in the same a place, a large American flag was either pasted into the entrance scene or edited out of the exit scene, creating a slightly different visual element to two otherwise identical landscapes. (00:29:35)

Factual error: Early in the film, Chris foils a casino shooter, steals a car, and leads police on a high-speed chase through Las Vegas. He has a psychic vision of himself being smashed into oblivion at a railroad crossing, so he knows he must accelerate to 120 mph to beat the train. The camera cuts to a head-on view of the train, and this time Chris goes flying over the crossing, just barely missing the train. Oddly, there are no barricade arms with warning lights at the railroad crossing, even though this train is screaming through an urban area. Additionally, the car is already levitated about 3 or 4 feet in the air long before it ever reaches the railroad crossing, as if it hit an invisible launch ramp. Thus, Chris makes his escape as the train blocks any further police pursuit. We then see two angles of the fleeing vehicle suddenly make a hard left turn down a side street about a block past the railroad crossing. Which is physically impossible. Given that he air-jumped the railroad crossing at 120 mph, Chris could never have slowed down enough to make a hard left turn within one block. It would require more like 10 blocks to slow down to a manageable turning speed, if he could regain control of the car.