Best movie questions of 2006

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Step Up picture

Question: Why does Director Gordon (the headmistress) say that the damage Tyler did was the cost of a child's tuition, he has cost someone their future? It seems that, if anything, the school would accept that student and use their tuition to pay for the damages, thus helping the child's future.

Answer: Money that could have been used for a scholarship must now be used to pay for the damages. Scholarships aside, the tuition a student pays goes to pay the staff and the normal upkeep of the school, adding a student does not create "free" money.


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Copying Beethoven picture

Question: Why was Beethoven depicted as an obnoxious, rude and unlikable man in this movie? I read that in the real life he wasn't such a bad person.

Answer: It's a fictional version of Beethoven. Artistic license is used to enhance the drama by embellishing Beethoven's personality, likely to show his anger, frustration, and despondency over becoming deaf. Like many similar biographical movies, it is not meant to be an accurate portrait.


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Answer: He isn't seen but given the ruckus going on at the time it's highly probable he just stepped out of the way and is hidden in among the crowd.


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Rocky Balboa picture

Question: In Rocky V we learn that Rocky can't get licensed because of permanent brain damage. So how is it that, more than 15 years after the events of Rocky V, he is able to get licensed so easily?

Answer: Stallone himself answered this question in an interview. "When Rocky was diagnosed with brain damage he never went for a second opinion and yielded to his wife's wishes to stop. So with the advent of new research techniques into brain damage, Rocky was found to be normal among fighters and he was suffering the results of a severe concussion. By today's standards Rocky Balboa would be given a clean bill of health for fighters.

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Blood Diamond picture

Question: When Solomon met with Michael Sheen, he and Maddy were staging a set-up to expose him, as well Van De Kamp. Since what he and Van de Kamp did were technically illegal, wouldn't Solomon be arrested for giving him the diamond?

Answer: More often than not, lesser criminals are granted immunity in order to bring down greater criminals or complete criminal organizations. From a criminal justice standpoint, it makes sense to let Vandy off scot free if it helps you put the big fish in jail.


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RV (2006)

RV picture

Question: How did they get the RV out of the lake?

Answer: In the world of "make believe", they used "movie magic" to zap the RV out of the water and on to dry land - with no mechanical issues resulting from being submerged. In the real world, someone called a tow truck - perhaps AAA - and the RV was pulled out of the water and it suffered water damage and needed some repairs. This movie was presented as being "real life." Bob left on a bicycle to "try to find help." Near the end of the movie, Carl said that the RV "spent two days under water and they had to fish it out." He didn't say who "they" were. A fishing pole would not be strong enough to reel in a large RV, so I think it is safe to conclude that a tow truck was used to pull the RV out of the lake.


It should be noted that "fish it out" is a common phrase to mean pull or take out, especially after searching. When people use the term, they're never taking about using a fishing pole. But often when people post questions like this, they're asking for an in-film explanation in case they missed (or didn't understand) something. If no in-film explanation was given, a reasonable speculation can be given. You don't need to remind people the movie is a movie. If the in/film explanation is uncharacteristic to real life, then one can point out that in real life it wouldn't happen that way.


It was meant to be ironic.


There was no irony, but this isn't the forum for irony anyways.


I guess I failed miserably... but wasn't the original question rhetorical?


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You, Me and Dupree picture

Question: Why do they never show Mandy? They obviously did it on purpose.

Answer: Most likely just to leave it up to your imagination.

Jason Riley

Answer: Dupree wants an ideal fantasy woman, inspired by his enjoyment of Audrey Hepburn movies. Molly says that Mandy is a sl*t, but the larger issue is that Dupree needs to be more responsible and stable. I think Mandy was never shown because he never saw the real her. He was living in a fantasy world.

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Idiocracy picture

Question: How did they stay frozen the whole time if they demolished the building? Wouldn't something that can keep a person frozen, require a lot of power? Did they just decide to demolish the building without checking that the power was out? Didn't they put a fudruckers on top of it? How did they remain frozen so long?


Answer: The science in this movie is far-fetched at best. Assumedly the pods had some sort of battery backup for emergencies. If the battery lasted 500 years, we can just assume it was secret government technology.

Brian Katcher

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Date Movie picture

Question: When Julia goes to see Hitch, what is the music played when she does the great dancing with the facepaint on?

Answer: The song is Crump Clown by Rize.

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Glory Road picture

Question: Did coach Haskins treat his players the way he does in the movie?

Answer: Yes. He really did integrate them to teach them to work as a team and give them guidance to help them off the field (such as with school work). His coaching method shown in the film is also accurate. Coaches screaming at the players, mocking them, and being what we would say is "harsh" with them was common coaching practice in the 70s that no-one would have batted an eye to. Especially in the south. Coach Boone would have especially been under pressure to show his players he meant business due to the concern that some of them might not take him seriously as a new black coach. If he had been seen as "easy", the team may not have been motivated to do as well as they did.

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Kidulthood picture

Question: When they go into Sam's room, Jay tries it on with his girlfriend. What does he say to the girl... It sounds like "Sorry I did this to you, it's because you are so fat" but then after they run off, he asks her out and she says "Yeah yeah, I'm your cow" Did I mishear something? Why would you want to be with someone who just said the reason he can't get an erection is "because you are so fat"?

Answer: Unless I'm mistaken, you misheard. It is implied that they sleep together and he climaxes in a matter of seconds. He then apologises to the girl that he didn't last longer and blamed it on her "being so fit." Also, she says "I'm your girl" not "I'm your cow"

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Bug (2006)

Bug picture

Question: Did anybody who saw this movie understand anything about it? If so can you explain it to me so I can understand?


Chosen answer: There is a detailed plot description of this movie on Wikipedia -[url=]Bug, the Movie[/url].


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The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift picture

Question: When DK beats up Sean for spending time with Neela, what is the translation of what he says after he says "or the only thing you'll be driving is a wheelchair"?

Answer: I believe he says 'find another driver'.

He says something before that. It sounds like he says "or gothica".

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The Sentinel picture

Question: Is it really true that when you use a silencer the bullet slows down and is not as strong as if you did not use a silencer?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: Sometimes. A suppressor, known commonly as a silencer, works by reducing the sound of firing by manipulating the escaping propellant gas, and sometimes by reducing the velocity of the bullet. It all depends on the type of suppressor that is used.


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A Scanner Darkly picture

Question: I kinda understood the scramble suits that they would wear in the movie to keep their identity secret but I do not understand exactly how they would help. If you had to walk into the office every morning (it would have to be a high security area they worked in) where you would have guards/security and id cards and such to get in, people would know that you worked there simply by watching you entering and leaving the building. The only thing the suits would help with is at public speakings but all they really seem to do is keep your coworkers guessing who you are. You see "Code name guy" walk into room then "regular guy" walk out. Not very hard to figure out. Anybody with a little insight please explain.


Chosen answer: You are working on the assumption that it would be a standard 9-to-5 job and that the same people would be walking in at the same time. Bob Arctor is seen to go in irregularly and "Hank" would also keep irregular hours, much like officers in real-life. James was also seen to enter and exit the building and he was a witness; other witnesses, lawyers, public officials, the medical staff and janitors would also irregularly enter and exit the building. There are simply too many people entering and exiting the building randomly for anyone to definitively figure out who is who, particularly as their real and "suit" identities would be kept as separate as possible, "Hank" only figured out it was Bob because she was Donna. The identities of real-life police officers (particularly officers working undercover, especially on drug-deals) are routinely kept secret and the design of the building that Bob and "Hank" work in would be designed to protect their identities and the scramble-suits would be another layer of protection on top.


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Children of Men picture

Question: Was the birth scene real? It seemed completely real, and the woman appeared to actually be pregnant earlier in the film.

Chosen answer: No, it wasn't real. Good make-up and acting, that's all.


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Just My Luck picture

Question: What's the name of the first techno/dance song that's played in the masquerade ball scene?

Answer: 'Jump 2' by the Sunclub.

Jennifer 1

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The Last Kiss picture

Question: When Michael and Kim are chatting at the bar at the wedding, they say: Kim: "So, are you a friend of the groom's?" Michael: "Since preschool actually." Kim: "That's really cute." Michael: "Blocks." What does Michael mean when he says "Blocks"?

Answer: He means toy building blocks they use to play wirh.

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